总结下Oracle 中的Insert用法 1.标准Insert --单表单行插入 语法: INSERT INTO table [(column1,column2,...)] VALUE (value1,value2,...) 例子: insert into dep (dep_id,dep_name) values(1,'技术部'); 备注:使用标准语法只能插入一条数据,且只能在一张表中插入数据 2, 无条件 Insert all --多表多行插入…
{foreach},{foreachelse} 用于像访问序数数组一样访问关联数组 {foreach},{foreachelse} {foreach} is used to loop over an associative array as well a numerically-indexed array, unlike {section} which is for looping over numerically-indexed arrays only. The syntax for {for…
1.标准Insert --单表单行插入 语法: INSERT INTO table [(column1,column2,...)] VALUE (value1,value2,...) 例子: insert into dep (dep_id,dep_name) values(1,'技术部'); 备注:使用标准语法只能插入一条数据,且只能在一张表中插入数据 2, 无条件 Insert all --多表多行插入 语法: INSERT [ALL] [condi…
{foreach},{foreachelse} 用于像访问序数数组一样访问关联数组 {foreach},{foreachelse} {foreach} is used to loop over an associative array as well a numerically-indexed array, unlike {section} which is for looping over numerically-indexed arrays only. The syntax for {for…
批量删除: <delete id= "deleteBatchByXXX" parameterType= "list"> delete from 表名 where groupon_id in <foreach collection="list" item= "item" index ="index" open= "(" close =")" separ…