一. windows7 x64,uac会阻止copyfile到c:/windows.提示拒绝访问. [会引起uac提示的3种情况: Administrator access token checks. "All access" access requests in system protected locations. Data writing to protected locations, such as %ProgramFiles%, %Windir%, and HKEY_LOCA…
Asp.Net 无法获取IIS拾取目录的解决办法 作者:Jason Doucette [MCP] 翻译:彭远志 原文地址:Fixing the cannot get IIS pickup directory error in ASP.NET 这是今年我第二次不得不面对的问题,所以我认为应该写下点什么.如果你有一个需要偶尔发送邮件的Asp.Net的网站,可能会有代码长的和下面的很像: //这是简写,并非实际项目代码 public void Send(string from, string to,…
mysql无法启动,无法改变状态-CSDN论坛-CSDN.NET-中国最大的IT技术社区 http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390943788 具体描述: 关闭,重启mysql时提示如下错误: the the service mysql56 failed the most recent status change request with the message the service mysql56 was not found in the Windows servic…
来自: http://www.3566t.com/news/dlsn/1557906.html 状态: 正在取得目录列表... 命令: CWD xinghun 响应: 250 OK. Current directoryis 命令: PWD 响应: 257 /www/xinghun is your currentlocation 命令: PASV 响应: 227 Entering Passive Mode(,18,) 命令: TYPE A 响应: 200 TYPE is now…