Machine Learning – Coursera Octave for Microsoft Windows GNU Octave官网 GNU Octave帮助文档 (有900页的pdf版本) Octave 4.0.0 安装 win7(文库) Octave学习笔记(文库) octave入门(文库) WIN7 64位系统安装JDK并配置环境变量(总是显示没有安装Java) MathWorks This week we're covering linear regression with mul…
一.Training of a Single-Layer Neural Network 1 Delta Rule Consider a single-layer neural network, as shown in Figure 2-11. In the figure, d i is the correct output of the output node i. Long story short, the delta rule adjusts the weight as the follow…
What: 就是将统计学算法作为理论,计算机作为工具,解决问题.statistic Algorithm. How: 如何成为菜鸟一枚? 链接内容总结: "学习任何一门学科,framework是必不可少的东西.没有framework的东西,那是研究." -- Jason Hawk One thing is for sure; you ca…
Logistic regression is a method for classifying data into discrete outcomes. For example, we might use logistic regression to classify an email as spam or not spam. In this module, we introduce the notion of classification, the cost function for logi…
Hi, Long time no see. Briefly, I plan to step into this new area, data analysis. In the past few years, I have tried Linux programming, device driver development, android application development and RF SOC development. Thus, "data analysis become my…
1 Unsupervised Learning 1.1 k-means clustering algorithm 1.1.1 算法思想 1.1.2 k-means的不足之处 1.1.3 如何选择K值 1.1.4 Spark MLlib 实现 k-means 算法 1.2 Mixture of Gaussians and the EM algorithm 1.3 The EM Algorithm 1.4 Principal Components…
转自:机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料 <Brief History of Machine Learning> 介绍:这是一篇介绍机器学习历史的文章,介绍很全面,从感知机.神经网络.决策树.SVM.Adaboost到随机森林.Deep Learning. <Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview> 介绍:这是瑞士人工智能实验室Jurgen Schmidhuber写的最…
What skills are needed for machine learning jobs?机器学习工作必须技能 原文: Machine Learning: What skills are needed for machine learning jobs? I am a lea…
本章通过一个例子,介绍机器学习的整个流程. 2.1 使用真实数据集练手(Working with Real Data) 国外一些获取数据的网站: Popular open data repositories: UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository Kaggle datasets Amazon's AWS datasets Meta portals (they list open data repositories): http://dataportals.o…
这门课是CS100.1x的后续课,看课程名字就知道这门课主要讲机器学习.难度也会比上一门课大一点.如果你对这门课感兴趣,可以看看我这篇博客,如果对PySpark感兴趣,可以看我分析作业的博客. Course Software Setup 这门课的环境配置和上一门一模一样,参考我的这篇博客CS100.1x Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark. Lecture 1 Course Overview and Introduction to Machine…
转载: <Brief History of Machine Learning> 介绍:这是一篇介绍机器学习历史的文章,介绍很全面,从感知机.神经网络.决策树.SVM.Adaboost到随机森林.Deep Learning. <Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview> 介绍:这是瑞士人工智…
该笔记基于:Multimodal Machine Learning:A Survey and Taxonomy 该论文是一篇对多模态机器学习领域的总结和分类,且发表于2017年,算是相当新的综述了.老师在课上推荐阅读,我花了三天大体看了一边,其中有很多实际的方法或者技术对我来说是全新的领域,也是未来学习的方向,但是对这个领域和其想解决的问题有了大致的了解.记录如下: 关键名词解释: Modality:A particular mode in which something exists or i…