(转)A Survival Guide to a PhD】的更多相关文章

Andrej Karpathy blog About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks A Survival Guide to a PhD Sep 7, 2016 This guide is patterned after my "Doing well in your courses", a post I wrote a long time ago on some of the tips/tricks I've developed during my…
A Survival Guide to a PhD Sep 7, 2016 This guide is patterned after my “Doing well in your courses”, a post I wrote a long time ago on some of the tips/tricks I’ve developed during my undergrad. I’ve received nice comments about that guide, so in the…
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今天上午把昨天的想法给中秋发过去了,然后我就开始科普随机森林: 随机森林是一种比较新的机器学习模型.经典的机器学习模型是神经网络,有半个多世纪的历史了.神经网络预测精确,但是计算量很大.上世纪八十年代Breiman等人发明分类树的算法(年Breiman把分类树组合成随机森林(Breiman 2001a),即在变量(列)的使用和数据(行)的使用上进行随机化,生成很多分类树,再汇总分类树的结果.随机森林在运算量没有显著提高的前提下提高了预测精度.随机森林对多元公线性不敏感,结果对缺失数据和非平衡的数…
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