Using ARR to setup a proxy】的更多相关文章

Install IIS Install ARR 3.0 from WebPI Open IIS management console (inetmgr), select the server node. On the right panel, open "Appliation Request Routing Cache", then click "Server Proxy Settings", in the next page, check "Enable… environment: KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT: 9092 docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-broker.yml up docker run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -t wurstmeister/zookeeper d…
参考书<ECMAScript 6入门> Proxy1.概述    Proxy可以用来修改对象的默认操作    let obj = {name : "test"}; = "test";    obj['name'] = "test";    这两种取值操作相当于调用了obj的内部默认get操作    let obj = {                name :…
前后端分离这个词一点都不新鲜,完全的前后端分离在岗位协作方面,前端不写任何后台,后台不写任何页面,双方通过接口传递数据完成软件的各个功能实现.此种情况下,前后端的项目都独立开发和独立部署,在开发期间有2个问题不可避免:第一是前端调用后台接口时的跨域问题(因为前后端分开部署):第二是前端脱离后台服务后无法独立运行.本文总结最近一个项目的工作经验,介绍利用grunt-contrib-connect和grunt-connect-proxy搭建前后端分离的开发环境的实践过程,希望能对你有所帮助. 注:… Set up your proxy. The bellow proxies as follow: (1) http-proxy: port: 911 (3) socks5-proxy: port: 1080 Set the bash proxy environment value $ ec…
Some friends of mine they worry about the risk of Man-in-the-middle so they ask me how to verify the potential risk of some Apps. Take a popular shopping app "X" for example, If "X" does not meet the requirement of  "Certificate P…
在个人的Unrealengine账户中关联自己的GitHub账户成功之后,就可以访问UE4引擎的源码了. git clone -b release 克隆成功后,执行Setup.bat拉取并安装外部依赖文件(第三方库.资源包.示例工程等),最后调用UnrealVersionSelector添加引擎到注册表并在资源管理器中添加引擎快捷菜单功能 "%EngineDir%\Engine\Binaries\Win6…
class ModelBase(type): """ Metaclass for all models. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super_new = super(ModelBase, cls).__new__ # Also ensure initialization is only performed for subclasses of Model # (excluding Mode…
原文地址: 首先对Windows下的网络编程总结一下: 如果是服务器,其WinSDK调用分别为: 1 WSAStartup() -> socket() -> htons() / htonl() -> bind() -> listen() -> accept() -> recv() / send() -> closesocket() -…
/* * XDDP-based RT/NRT threads communication demo. * * Real-time Xenomai threads and regular Linux threads may want to * exchange data in a way that does not require the former to leave * the real-time domain (i.e. secondary mode). Message pipes - as…