paip.陕北方言 广东方言的不同单字 1千高频字 SELECT * FROM `canx` c where in ( select zi from hezi1k h) and st like 'b%' ORDER BY ati 作者Attilax 艾龙, 来源:attilax的专栏 地址: 尔 ar 2163 尔 ji bt 898 而 ar 2150 而 ji bt 2…
早上看VS Team的推特发了这个图片,以前总爱问Java怎么读,现在好了,有标准发音了. 确定是 扎瓦·死磕瑞普特 ,哈哈,以后不要再念加瓦了. …… Last month JavaScript reached its 20th anniversary and now it has reached another milestone - becoming listed as an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, widely regarded a…