【HackerRank】Missing Numbers】的更多相关文章

Numeros, The Artist, had two lists A and B, such that, B was a permutation of A. Numeros was very proud of these lists. Unfortunately, while transporting them from one exhibition to another, some numbers from List A got left out. Can you find out the…
Sorting is often useful as the first step in many different tasks. The most common task is to make finding things easier, but there are other uses also. Challenge Given a list of unsorted numbers, can you find the numbers that have the smallest absol…
[HDU3117]Fibonacci Numbers 题面 求斐波那契数列的第\(n\)项的前四位及后四位. 其中\(0\leq n<2^{32}\) 题解 前置知识:线性常系数齐次递推 其实后四位还是比较好求,矩阵快速幂就可以了,主要是前四位. 先用线性常系数齐次递推求出斐波那契数列的通项公式 \[ f_n=\frac{\sqrt 5}{5}\left((\frac{1+\sqrt5}{2})^n-(\frac{1-\sqrt5}{2})^n\right) \] 因为数列的前\(39\)项我们…
[CF55D]Beautiful numbers(动态规划) 题面 洛谷 CF 题解 数位\(dp\) 如果当前数能够被它所有数位整除,意味着它能够被所有数位的\(lcm\)整除. 所以\(dp\)的时候前面所有数的\(lcm\)要压进\(dp\)值中. 又因为\(lcm\)的余数也是有意义的,但是又不能暴力记, 所以记录一下\([1,9]\)所有数的\(lcm\)也就是\(2520\)就好了. 但是数组太大,实际上,有意义的\(lcm\)个数只有不到\(50\)个,重新编号就可以压缩状态了.…
[CF628D]Magic Numbers 题意:求[a,b]中,偶数位的数字都是d,其余为数字都不是d,且能被m整除的数的个数(这里的偶数位是的是从高位往低位数的偶数位).$a,b<10^{2000},m \le 2000 ,0 \le d \le 9$ 题解:用f[i][j]表示有i+1位,第i位是d,且%m=j的数的个数.(这个状态可能有点奇怪,不过比较便于转移)然后转移方式还是惯用的方法,判一下如果原数的偶数位不是d或者奇数位是d则停止计算即可. 对了,题意有bug.题里说个位数的偶数位…
[CF55D]Beautiful numbers 题面 洛谷 题解 考虑到如果一个数整除所有数那么可以整除他们的\(lcm\),而如果数\(x\)满足\(x\bmod Lcm(1,2...,9)=r\),且\(r\bmod Lcm\{x有的数\}=0\),那么这个数一定满足条件. 因为\(Lcm(1,2...,9)=2520\)比较小,所以我们可以存下来. 考虑数位dp,我们设\(f[i][lcm][r]\)表示目前\(dp\)到第\(i\)位,当前已选的数的\(lcm\)为\(lcm\),前面…
搭建开发环境,遇到问题 : IDE 使用 eclipse 公司的项目用Maven管理,从git上拿下来代码后开始build后:    提示    [missing artifact jdk.tools:jar:1.6]   pom.xml文件里没有相关jdk.tools的依赖配置,而且同事的开发环境上也没有,但也不报错.而且在Java Build Path里的Maven Dependency里莫名地就要求jdk.tools:jar:1.6.   网上的解决方案都是你自己去pom.xml文件里去配…
题目: Given an array containing n distinct numbers taken from 0, 1, 2, ..., n, find the one that is missing from the array. For example,Given nums = [0, 1, 3] return 2. Note:Your algorithm should run in linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it…
题目链接:Running Time of Quicksort Challenge In practice, how much faster is Quicksort (in-place) than Insertion Sort? Compare the running time of the two algorithms by counting how many swaps or shifts each one takes to sort an array, and output the dif…
Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.15063] (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation.保留所有权利. C:\Users\Jam>python Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 18:41:36) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or…