
[CF2/CFCF/HCF]: C Ma, JB Huang, X Yang, et al. Hierarchical convolutional features for visual tracking. [C]//ICCV2015 问题1: 在用MatConvNet库的vl_simplenn做forward pass的时候会出现错误: Error using vl_nnconvDATA and FILTERS do not have compatible formats. 我出现该错误的原因…
D. Santa Claus and a Palindrome time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus likes palindromes very much. There was his birthday recently. k of his friends came to him to co…
E. Comments time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A rare article in the Internet is posted without a possibility to comment it. On a Polycarp's website each article has comments…
C. Vladik and fractions time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vladik and Chloe decided to determine who of them is better at math. Vladik claimed that for any positive integer n h…
D. Arpa's weak amphitheater and Mehrdad's valuable Hoses time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Just to remind, girls in Arpa's land are really nice. Mehrdad wants to invite some H…
B. Arpa's obvious problem and Mehrdad's terrible solution time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output There are some beautiful girls in Arpa's land as mentioned before. Once Arpa came u…
C. Road to Cinema time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya is currently at a car rental service, and he wants to reach cinema. The film he has bought a ticket for starts in t m…
D. Taxes time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Mr. Funt now lives in a country with a very specific tax laws. The total income of mr. Funt during this year is equal to n (n ≥ 2)…
T1 题意:判断给出的数中有多少不同的大于的数. content:傻逼题,5min手速 T2 题意:给出p.y,输出y~p+1中最大一个不是2-p的倍数的数. content:答案很简单,但是很难想到(对我来说).就是模拟,只是判断是否为XX倍数时,若已确定其为质数就提前break. 我最后半小时玩我程序时发现质数很大概率是答案,于是想到了正解,但我不敢交,怕再T,掉分数(其实并没有这回事). T3 题意:小学数学分数题. content:我一开始把分数化为小数,总是输出inf...然后1h后才…
在K-Means聚类算法原理中,我们讲到了K-Means和Mini Batch K-Means的聚类原理.这里我们再来看看另外一种常见的聚类算法BIRCH.BIRCH算法比较适合于数据量大,类别数K也比较多的情况.它运行速度很快,只需要单遍扫描数据集就能进行聚类,当然需要用到一些技巧,下面我们就对BIRCH算法做一个总结. 1. BIRCH概述 BIRCH的全称是利用层次方法的平衡迭代规约和聚类(Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering Using H…