报错:Action.c(6): Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "": [10055] No buffer space availableTry changing the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimedWaitDelay to 30and HKEY…
By default, Linux only allocates 8192 watches for inotify, which is ridiculously low. And when it runs out, the error is also No space left on device, which may be confusing if you aren't explicitly looking for this issue. vi /etc/sysctl.conf 增加 fs…
文章目录 问题 解决 拓展 问题 通过rz命令传本地文件到本地服务器,失败. 通过scp命令尝试报错: no space left on device 意思是目的机器内存不够用了,但是传过去了,但是没有传完整. 通过unzip xxx.zip (传过来的不完整的包),报错: End-of-central-directory signature not found 意思是文件不完整. 解决 删除本地服务器部分没有同的文件,增加可用内存即可. 拓展 查看内存使用情况 df -h…
执行性能测试过程中,LR报错: Action.c(6):Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx":[10060] connetion time out 服务端防火墙限制流量导致:iptables接受的流量为304bytes,多余的都抛弃: 1.调整服务端防火墙限制: 2.关闭服务端防火墙进行测试:…
在win10上,安装wmi,首先下载https://pypi.python.org/pypi/WMI/#downloads,将wmi下载下来 安装过程中,会报错,No Python installation found in the registry 接下来 Apparently (having faced related 64- and 32-bit issues on OS X) there is a bug in the Windows installer. I stumbled acro…
报错信息: Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine. 解决方法: 在catalina.bat中增加如下设置 set JAVA_OPTS=-server -XX:MaxHeapSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx512m…
Xamarin Android 编译报错: COMPILETODALVIK : UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 解决: 用记事本打开 xamarin android的项目文件 *.csproj 找到<JavaMaximumHeapSize>节点,我的配置是空的,加上1G后,编译通过. 参考: The fix was to add this section in your .csproj…
Eclipse集成Tomcat报错,使用Spring 4.3 框架,运行一段应用后,控制台报错: Unexpected death of background thread ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space https://stackoverflow.com/questios/26616076/spring-tool-suite-tomc…
起因: 新添加完自定义监控项后重启zabbix-agent时失败,查看/var/log/zabbix/zabbix-agentd.log 发现系统提示zabbix共享内存报错 zabbix_agentd []: cannot open log: cannot create semaphore set: [] No space left on device 解决办法: 通过修改 vim /etc/sysctl.conf kernel.sem = sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf…
报错信息: [libprotobuf FATAL google/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.cc:67] This program requires version 3.6.1 of the Protocol Buffer runtime library, but the installed version is 3.0.0. Please update your library. If you compiled the program y…