Google Code Jam 2014 Qualification 题解】的更多相关文章

拿下 ABD, 顺利晋级, 预赛的时候C没有仔细想,推荐C题,一个非常不错的构造题目! A Magic Trick 简单的题目来取得集合的交并 1: #include <iostream> 2: #include <algorithm> 3: #include <set> 4: #include <vector> 5: using namespace std; 6: int main() 7: { 8: freopen("A-small-attem…
Introduction Cookie Clicker is a Javascript game by Orteil, where players click on a picture of a giant cookie. Clicking on the giant cookie gives them cookies. They can spend those cookies to buy buildings. Those buildings help them get even more co…
本题的 Large dataset 本人尚未解决. Problem So you've registered. We sent you a welcoming email, to welcome you to code jam. But it's possible that you still don't feel welcomed to code jam. That's w…
Problem A permutation of size N is a sequence of N numbers, each between 0 and N-1, where each number appears exactly once. They may appear in any order. There are many (N factorial, to be precise, but it doesn't matter in this problem) permutations…
This problem is the hardest problem to understand in this round. If you are new to Code Jam, you should probably try to solve the other problems first. Problem Naomi and Ken sometimes play games together. Before they play, each of them gets Nidentica… Problem Geologists sometimes divide an area of land into different regions based on where rainfall flows down to. These regions are called drainage basins. Given an elevation map (a 2-dimen… Problem After years of study, scientists at Google Labs have discovered an alien language transmitted from a faraway planet. The alien language is very unique in that every word consists of…
Problem Shota the farmer has a problem. He has just moved into his newly built farmhouse, but it turns out that the outlets haven't been configured correctly for all of his devices. Being a modern farmer, Shota owns a large number of smartphones and…
二进制数位DP,涉及到数字的按位与操作. 查看官方解题报告 #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define MAX_LEN 50 long long A, B, K; int a[MAX_LEN], b[MAX_LEN], k[MAX_LEN]; ][][]; void input() { scan…
快一年没有做题了, 今天跟了一下 GCJ Round 1A的题目, 感觉难度偏简单了, 很快搞定了第一题, 第二题二分稍微考了一下, 还剩下一个多小时, 没仔细想第三题, 以为 前两个题目差不多可以晋级了. 切出去玩了一会, 大概剩半小时, 发现自己的排名逐渐快超 1k了, 果断决定搞出第三题的小数据. 然后简单的O(n^3)的枚举过了. 然后有惊无险的晋级了. 第一题,读懂题目,然后计算就很好说了. 第二题,计算最小公倍数的那种肯定是行不通的, 二分 t时刻 已经剪完了多少个, 正在剪的有多少…