SIFT and SURF were moved to nonfree module. You need to add #include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp> header and link with opencv_nonfree library.…
Replacement of SetInput() with SetInputData() and SetInputConnection() someFilter->SetInput(someReader->GetOutput()); // Outdated // Replace to the following: someFilter->SetInputConnection(someReader->GetOutputPort()); someFilter->SetInput…
题目 Source Description There's a company with several projects to be done. Finish a project will get you profits. However, there are some technical problems for some specific projects. To solve the proble…
Problem#A Carrot Cakes vjudge链接[here] (偷个懒,cf链接就不给了) 题目大意是说,烤面包,给出一段时间内可以考的面包数,建第二个炉子的时间,需要达到的面包数,问建炉子是否合理. 玄学 & 智商题,可能是因为我智商不够,所以在我决定休息的时候被hank掉了...(纠正一个错误,是fst掉的) 输NO的情况大概是当炉子建好后,考完第一波的时间,任务已经或刚好完成. Code /** * Codeforces * Problem#799A * Accepted *…
A simple brute force problem. Time Limit: 1000ms Memory Limit: 65536KB This problem will be judged on HDU. Original ID: 497164-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main There's a company with several projects to be done. Finish a projec…
     在前面三篇教程中的几种角检测方法,比如harris角检测,都是旋转无关的,即使我们转动图像,依然能检测出角的位置,但是图像缩放后,harris角检测可能会失效,比如下面的图像,图像放大之前可以检测出为harris角,但是图像放大后,则变成了边,不能检测出角了.所以,harris角是缩放相关的.      在paper Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints中,D.Lowe提出了SIFT算法,该算法是缩 放无关的…
平台:win10 x64 +VS 2015专业版 +opencv-3.x.+CMake+Anaconda3(python3.7.0) Issue说明:Opencv3.0版本已经发布了有一段时间,在这段时间也是不断的进行了更新和修复,最近看了一下3.0新增的一些功能,感觉还是蛮强大的,作为一个一直以Opencv为开发环境的程序员来说是一定要体验一下这个新版本的,特别看到说在tracking领域近年比较好的文章TLD和 KCF都有扩展包了,那更是要尝试一下.尝试用扩展包实现sift/surf算法.…
1 前言 2 MDL锁与实现 3 MDL锁的性能与并发改进 4 MDL锁的诊断 前言 好久没更新,主要是因为Inside君最近沉迷于一部动画片——<新葫芦娃兄弟>.终于抽得闲,完成了本篇关于MySQL MDL锁的深入分析与介绍.虽然之前有很多小伙伴分析过,但总感觉少了点什么,故花了点时间翻看了下源码.Inside君或许不是最牛掰的内核开发人员,但自认为应该是业界最会讲故事的码农,希望本篇能做到通俗易懂,因为MDL锁其实并不好理解.如果同学们还有问题,也可以直接看源码文件 MDL锁…
传送门: Hat's Tea Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2127    Accepted Submission(s): 484 Problem Description Hat is a member of PG Studio.…
1.Furthermore, I explain what the different features in C++ really mean — what you are really expressing when you use a particular construct. For example, public inheritance means "is-a," and if you try to make it mean anything else, you'll run…