SQLPlus directive "WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT 1" will return a specified code when any SQL error throwed when run a sql file. Then we can catch the return code from the main bat file (where we call the sqlplus) to test it and then jump to a corresp…
本文来自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21739276/android-volley-gives-me-400-error 本人是根据文中的其中一方法: I had the same problem and i removed from the header: headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); now it works great! 以下是全文 13down v…
SYMPTOMS During clone Oracle Applications R12 from Linux 5 to Linux 6 the following error occurs in the apps tier: perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier 73% completed RC-50004: Fatal: Error occurred in ApplyAppsTier: StackTrace - java.lang.reflect.Invocatio…
y@y:~$ sqlplus Error 46 initializing SQL*PlusHTTP proxy setting has incorrect valueSP2-1502: The HTTP proxy server specified by http_proxy is not accessibley@y:~$ 说明:之前一直好用,运行sqlplus出现以上问题.查看环境变量y@y:~$ printenv | grep proxyno_proxy=localhost,127.0.0.…
刚才打开一个别人的测试库,用root登陆了的,sqlplus / as sysdba竟然报错,奇怪,于是在自己的VM中模拟该过程. 新建了一个test用户: [test@liu bin]# ./sqlplus Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory 需…