ural 1245. Pictures】的更多相关文章

1245. Pictures Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Artist Ivanov (not the famous Ivanov who painted "Christ's apparition to people", but one of the many namesakes) once managed to rent inexpensively an excellent studio. Alas, as he soon di…
1245 最小的N个和  时间限制: 1 s  空间限制: 128000 KB  题目等级 : 钻石 Diamond 题解  查看运行结果     题目描述 Description 有两个长度为 N 的序列 A 和 B,在 A 和 B 中各任取一个数可以得到 N^2 个和,求这N^2 个和中最小的 N个. 输入描述 Input Description 第一行输入一个正整数N:第二行N个整数Ai 且Ai≤10^9:第三行N个整数Bi,且Bi≤10^9 输出描述 Output Description…
1245 最小的N个和 http://codevs.cn/problem/1245/ 题目描述 Description 有两个长度为 N 的序列 A 和 B,在 A 和 B 中各任取一个数可以得到 N^2 个和,求这N^2 个和中最小的 N个. 输入描述 Input Description 第一行输入一个正整数N:第二行N个整数Ai 且Ai≤10^9:第三行N个整数Bi,且Bi≤10^9 输出描述 Output Description 输出仅一行,包含 n 个整数,从小到大输出这 N个最小的和,…
这是一道2016湘潭邀请赛的题目,记得那个时候看到这个题目就想到了最短生成树,然后给别人做,WA了,最后发现是有向图,然后我自己去写了个搜索,结果是RE吧 今天刚刚好想到这个题目,然后再来做,发现这个真的是个水题,但是当初看题目都没看懂,我也是醉了,题目都已经要求了是从第一个到最后一个的最短的路径,我们想岔了,然后鸭蛋... #include <stdio.h>…
http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1245 题目大意:一个数n除以1到n之和 分析:暴力肯定不行,我们可以先求1~sqrt(n)之间的每个数的个数,然后再求n除以1~sqrt(n)之间的数的和 这样算下来就只有2*sqrt(n)的复杂度 最后还要排除多加的,. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<algor…
题目链接 题意:求给定的字符串的最长回文子串 分析:做法是构造一个新的字符串是原字符串+反转后的原字符串(这样方便求两边回文的后缀的最长前缀),即newS = S + '$' + revS,枚举回文串中心位置,RMQ询问LCP = min (height[rank[l]+1] to height[rank[r]]),注意的是RMQ传入参数最好是后缀的位置,因为它们在树上的顺序未知,且左边还要+1. #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #in…
2071. Juice Cocktails Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Once n Denchiks come to the bar and each orders a juice cocktail. It could be from 1 to 3 different juices in each cocktail. There are three juices in the bar: apple, banana and pineappl…
2073. Log Files Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Nikolay has decided to become the best programmer in the world! Now he regularly takes part in various programming contests, attentively listens to problems analysis and upsolves problems. But…
2070. Interesting Numbers Time limit: 2.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Nikolay and Asya investigate integers together in their spare time. Nikolay thinks an integer is interesting if it is a prime number. However, Asya thinks an integer is interesting i…
2069. Hard Rock Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Ilya is a frontman of the most famous rock band on Earth. Band decided to make the most awesome music video ever for their new single. In that music video Ilya will go through Manhattan standi…