Visual Studio 2017 introduces built-in support for handling CMake projects. This makes it a lot simpler to develop C++ projects built with CMake without the need to generate VS projects and solutions from the command line. This post gives you an over…
本文转自:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/g_arora/getting-started-with-node-js-tools-for-visual-studio/ Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. What Node.JS is 3. How to install Node.JS 4. Let's Start by Creation of a Simple App Pre-requites Create S…
Oleg Sych - » Pros and Cons of T4 in Visual Studio 2008 Pros and Cons of T4 in Visual Studio 2008 Posted by Oleg Sych January 1, 2009 T4 is a fully-featured, template-based code generation engine built into Visual Studio 2008. It offers rich function…
Oleg Sych - » Pros and Cons of T4 in Visual Studio 2008 Pros and Cons of T4 in Visual Studio 2008 Posted by Oleg Sych January 1, 2009 T4 is a fully-featured, template-based code generation engine built into Visual Studio 2008. It offers rich function…
原文如下: Visual Studio "14" CTP Today, we are making available a first community technology preview of the next version of Visual Studio, codenamed Visual Studio “14”.  This early build is focused on enabling feedback and testing from the Visual St…
The error message "The visual studio remote debugger does not support this edition of windows" appears because the remote debugger tries to use Windows Authentication by default, and this is only supported in the "Pro" versions of Wind…
http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/11/visual-studio-now-supports-debugging-linux-apps-code-editor-now-open-source/ ------------------------ Developers can now debug apps running on Linux servers or IoT devices from the comfort of Visu…
原文 VS2012,VS2013,and VS2015Pro+NpgsqlDdexProvider+EFv6 how to(by @kenjiuno) Reference: #213 Overview Install Npgsql DDEX (Data Designer Extensibility) provider. Install Npgsql ADO.NET Data Provider. Visual Studio’s Entity Data Model wizard will be en…
最近HTML5浪潮已经开始了,VS2010已经有一个扩展支持在HTML5智能提示.你可以从这里下载这个扩展: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/d771cbc8-d60a-40b0-a1d8-f19fc393127d 安装好后,打开VS2010, 通过菜单栏 Tools->Options->Text Editor->HTML->Validation,你可以看到如下图: 选择HTML 5,验证就可以了.然后你们VS2008/2…
VS2013.2_RC_EN_Full.iso:名称:Microsoft Visual Studio 2013版本:Ultimate 2013 Update 2 RC语言:English在线下载:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42304更新详情:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2927432百度网盘:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0mto5aPS:这是一个离线完整…
For the next couple months we're going to revisit Build 2017, each post focusing on different aspects and technologies presented. Not every session will be listed, just a select set, hopefully enough to wet your appetite. All the on-demand sessions c…
Origin URL:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/gg598921.aspx Bill Heys and Willy-Peter Schaub Download the Code Sample Since its inception in 2006, the Visual Studio ALM Rangers team has operated within the Microsoft developer division to promo…
摘要 继续坚持,继续推荐.本期共有9篇文章: 最新的ASP.NET MVC框架开发计划 Visual Studio 2008 Web开发相关的Hotfix发布 ASP.NET安全性教程系列 ASP.NET MVC的4个其他的View引擎 通过延迟加载提高ASP.NET页面的性能 如何成为一个更好的程序员? LINQ to JavaScript项目 在客户端JavaScript脚本中嵌入ASP.NET服务器端变量 Visual Studio提供对jQuery语法的智能感知 [1] ASP.NET…
Create an offline installation of Visual Studio 2017 RC ‎2016‎年‎12‎月‎7‎日                                                                                                  In this article Create a layout Install from a layout Update an installation lay…
Beta Release: April 3 edited April 17 in Visual Studio Released versions: Windows Xamarin.VisualStudio_3.11.431.msi (3673cfb) XamarinStudio- (04666fd) Mac monotouch- (c2c0012) MonoFramework-MDK-…
阅读目录 问题描述 解决过程 解决方案 总结 回到顶部 问题描述 安装MySql for Visual Studio 一般来说是为了能在VS的服务器数据连接的数据源中能选择MySql类型,如下图: 但是有时候,明明安装成功了,却莫名找不到MySql的数据源.在以后情况下会遇到: 1.在安装完VS后,又重新打开安装程序修改了安装位置: 2.同时安装了VS2013和VS2015,并且相互独立安装在不同的位置(该情况下会只有一个版本的VS成功安装): 3.可能存在的其他情况... .... 回到顶部…
我常常不仅仅逛 博客园,还会去找国外,特别是台湾的技术部落格,发现好的文章,我便会收录,今天我转载或者全文复制,在Google 博客园,一位叫保哥, 釐清 CLR..NET.C#.Visual Studio.ASP.NET各版本之間的關係 文章,转载主要原因,是保哥写得博文很透彻,有技术含量,但是由于某些环境因素影响,在中国大陆访问他的博客园,网络速度一直很慢,有时候还打不开,特别不能忍受这么好博文,没有给更多的读者看到和学习到.所以先转载一篇让大家看看.下面博文内容,请大家支持. 長久以來,我…
1.7-ZIP简介 7-zip 是一款免费的压缩解压软件.ZIP格式的文件默认被苹果和微软支持,完全不需要额外安装其他软件就可以解压.但对于非US-ASCII编码的文件名和大于2GB的ZIP文件,可能需要借助如WinRAR和7-ZIP软件也解压.同时7-ZIP完全免费,其支持的7Z压缩格式的压缩率相对RAR压缩格式更好.7-ZIP官网是http://www.7-zip.org/. 2.在VS2015上编译7-ZIP代码的详细步骤 需要的材料: Microsoft Visual Studio 20…
微软发布于10月6日发布了Visual Studio "14"CTP 4,本次发布的更新主要包括:ASP.NET vNext runtime和一些工具的优化(ASP.NET vNext runtime and tooling improvements),主要更新摘要: ASP.NET vNext Runtime ASP.NET vNext Tooling Performance improvements to compilation in Visual Studio New layou…
本篇博文目录: ASP.NET 5 模版 ASP.NET 5 目录结构 前端管理工具 无编译开发 Microsoft Git Provider 智能感知和错误信息 Smart Unit Testing 等待发现... Visual Studio 2015 Preview 版本部分说明: ASP.NET 5 Preview runtime with VS2015 Preview only. ASP.NET 5 Preview tooling with VS2015 Preview only. AS…
接上一篇:升级 Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5 的坑.坑.坑 升级到 VS2015 CTP 之后,今天要改项目中的一个东西,然后就不得不把 C# 6.0 改变的语法代码中改了下(之前没改,大约200多个),首先,比如下面示例代码: var fullName = "\{customer.FirstName} \{customer.LastName}"; 项目中有很多这样的类似代码,这些都得改掉,怎么办?手动改???算了,还是批量修改吧,但是怎么批量替换呢,难道直接把&q…
前两天,微软发布了 Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5,全称为 Visual Studio 2015 Community Technology Preview 5,意为社区技术预览版,之前的版本为:Visual Studio 2015 Preview,多了一个 CTP,虽然都为预览版,但这次 CTP 的版本发布,显然离 VS2015 的正式版本发布已经不远了. 先贴一个重要链接:Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5 更新说明 上面的文章中详细说明了 VS2015 各个版…
NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update third-party libraries and tools in Visual Studio. NuGet is not mandatory for using the PayPal SDKs but makes managing dependencies in your application a lot simpler. Visual S…
在安装好Visual Studio 2008后,启动Visual Studio 2008 发现如下提示: 包加载失败 未能正确加载包“Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml”( GUID = {E58C2A8B-BCC4-4559-AD59-D62EB6D58A22} ).请与包供应商联系以获得帮助.由于可能会发生环境损坏,建议重新启动应用程序.要禁止将来加载此包吗? 可以使用“devenv /resetskippkgs”重新启用包加载. 按照提示,在visual studio…
Xamarin 3.7.165 Preview 下载地址:http://download.xamarin.com/XamarinforVisualStudio/Windows/Xamarin.VisualStudio_Setup-3.7.165.msi 刮刮乐:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6x9ffk 简单的来说,此次版本更新了对iOS 8的重大支持,以及Xamarin组件的功能更新和BUG修复,并且改进了某些兼容性问题. 想要了解详情请看下面,或者直达: What is…
VS2013.3 RTM已发布! 完整安装包:http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/F/0/6F0777D3-3541-465F-8639-A8F9D36BA8C8/vs2013.3_ult_chs.iso完整包安装说明:http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id=43727 增量安装包:http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/4/1/0414…
今天,微软再Visual Studio Blog发布了开放Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RTM 下载的文章. 原来安装RC版本的同志们可以直接安装,提供在线安装和ISO下载安装的两种方式.其新特性如下: Universal Apps. With this release you can now build universal apps that can run on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 while sharing code…
https://referencesource.microsoft.com/ In order to configure Visual Studio 2013 do the following in the Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General menu: Disable just my code Disable step over properties and operators Disable require source files to…