Sub CustomMailMessageRule(MyMail As Outlook.MailItem) Dim strID As String Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem strID = MyMail.EntryID Set objMail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)…
本文转自: 需求描述公司里面每天都会有很多邮件,三分之一都是不需要看的,Outlook的过滤功能不错,都可以处理掉.还有些邮件,根据正文或者附件做一下处理自动转发出去就行了.于是上网搜集了一些资料,写个了小程序,共享一下,以后可以参考,也希望对大家有点用处. 实现废话少说,直接上代码吧.打开Outlook,按Alt+F11打开代码编辑器,输入下面的代码.可能有些兄弟不知道怎么入手,后面会…
1.学学基础的VB语法 2.找一个样例看看 VBA编程实现自动回复邮件 3.改造样例 取msdn上看看开发文档…
Option Explicit Sub TestFolder() 'Dim outlookapp, myitem, myfolder 'Dim mailcounts As Integer ' ' 'Set outlookapp = CreateObject("outlook.application") ' Set myitem = outlookapp.Application.GetNamespace("mapi") ' Set myfolder = myitem.…
本文转自: To quarantine application file attachments This Outlook VBA code sample monitors the Inbox folder for new items, looks for messages with attached files with the extensions listed in the USER OPTIONS…
一般错误1 0x80004005 MISC The operation failed Virus Scanner Integration Issue Usually Related To Script Blocking. 和防病毒软件整合的指令脚本有关2 0x800300FD MISC Unknown Error Indicates That There Is Insufficient Space in the Temp Folder 1.empty Your Deleted Items Fol…
要从Excel 多个sheet内导出指定行为txt文件,懒得用C#了,写个VBA宏 Sub Export() Dim FileName As Variant Dim Sep As String Dim StartSheet As Integer Dim EndSheet As Integer Dim ExportIndex As Integer '文件名 FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=vbNullString,…
1. <pre name="code" class="html"><a href="你好">给我发邮件</a></pre><pre></pre> 参数说明: <p style="color:rg…