Experiment report of Besti course:<Program Design & Data Structures> Class: 1623 Student Name: Wang, Yixiao Student Number:20162314 Tutor:Mr.Lou.Mr.Wang Experiment date:2017.9.26 Secret level: Unsecretive Experiment time:60 minutes Major/Electiv…
Experiment report of Besti course:<Program Design & Data Structures> Class: 1623 Student Name: Wang, Yixiao Student Number:20162314 Tutor:Mr.Lou.Mr.Wang Experiment date:2017.10.27 Secret level: Unsecretive Experiment time:60 minutes Major/Electi…
Experiment report of Besti course:<Program Design & Data Structures> Class: 1623 Student Name: Wang, Yixiao Student Number:20162314 Tutor:Mr.Lou.Mr.Wang Experiment date:2017.11.19 Secret level: Unsecretive Experiment time:60 minutes Major/Electi…
Experiment report of Besti course:<Program Design & Data Structures> Class: 1623 Student Name: Wang, Yixiao Student Number:20162314 Tutor:Mr.Lou.Mr.Wang Experiment date:2017.11.6 Secret level: Unsecretive Experiment time:60 minutes Major/Electiv…
20162314 2017-2018-1 <Program Design & Data Structures>Learning Summary Of The Eighth Week Summary of Key Concepts A binary search tree is a binary tree in which, for each node, the elements in the left subtree are less than the parent, and the…
@http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/cvpr2015papers/ CVPR 2015 papers (in nicer format than this) maintained by @karpathy NEW: This year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interf…
N-Gram是大词汇连续语音识别中常用的一种语言模型,对中文而言,我们称之为汉语语言模型(CLM, Chinese Language Model).   中文名 汉语语言模型 外文名 N-Gram 定    义 计算出具有最大概率的句子 基    于 该模型基于这样一种假设 汉语语言模型利用上下文中相邻词间的搭配信息,在需要把连续无空格的拼 音.笔划,或代表字母或笔划的数字,转换成汉字串(即句子)时,可以计算出具有最大概率的句子,从而实现到汉字的自动转换,无需用户手动选择,避开了许多 汉字对应一…
Abstract: In order to solve the problems of complex experiment management, complicated teaching task arrangement, limited student experiment conditions, and to provide a high efficiency of experiment teaching and security experiment environment for t…
论文地址:面向基于深度学习的语音增强模型压缩 论文代码:没开源,鼓励大家去向作者要呀,作者是中国人,在语音增强领域 深耕多年 引用格式:Tan K, Wang D L. Towards model compression for deep learning based speech enhancem…