URAL 1807】的更多相关文章

题目大意:给出一个正整数n(n为合数),求n的一个划分(a1,a2,...,ak,...)(k>=2).使得其在存在最大的最大公约数之下,存在最大的最小公倍数. KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u 数据规模:200<=n<=10^9. 理论基础:关于LCM的一个定理:LCM(a1,a2,a3,...,ai)为各个数分解质因数以后,所有存在的素数的最高幂次之积.具体参见链接1. 题目分析: 首先,要想有最大公公约数,那么假设它们的最大公约数为G…
题目链接 题意:求给定的字符串的最长回文子串 分析:做法是构造一个新的字符串是原字符串+反转后的原字符串(这样方便求两边回文的后缀的最长前缀),即newS = S + '$' + revS,枚举回文串中心位置,RMQ询问LCP = min (height[rank[l]+1] to height[rank[r]]),注意的是RMQ传入参数最好是后缀的位置,因为它们在树上的顺序未知,且左边还要+1. #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #in…
2071. Juice Cocktails Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Once n Denchiks come to the bar and each orders a juice cocktail. It could be from 1 to 3 different juices in each cocktail. There are three juices in the bar: apple, banana and pineappl…
2073. Log Files Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Nikolay has decided to become the best programmer in the world! Now he regularly takes part in various programming contests, attentively listens to problems analysis and upsolves problems. But…
2070. Interesting Numbers Time limit: 2.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Nikolay and Asya investigate integers together in their spare time. Nikolay thinks an integer is interesting if it is a prime number. However, Asya thinks an integer is interesting i…
2069. Hard Rock Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Ilya is a frontman of the most famous rock band on Earth. Band decided to make the most awesome music video ever for their new single. In that music video Ilya will go through Manhattan standi…
2068. Game of Nuts Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB The war for Westeros is still in process, manpower and supplies are coming to an end and the winter is as near as never before. The game of thrones is unpredictable so Daenerys and Stannis…
2067. Friends and Berries Time limit: 2.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB There is a group of n children. According to a proverb, every man to his own taste. So the children value strawberries and raspberries differently. Let’s say that i-th child rates hi…
2066. Simple Expression Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB You probably know that Alex is a very serious mathematician and he likes to solve serious problems. This is another problem from Alex. You are given three nonnegative integers a, b, c.…
2065. Different Sums Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Alex is a very serious mathematician and he likes to solve serious problems. For example, this problem. You are to construct an array of n integers in which the amount of different intege…