csharp:SMO run sql script】的更多相关文章

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;//需添加microsoft.sqlserv…
In this Document   Goal   Solution   1: How do you enable trace for an API when executed from a SQL script outside of Oracle Applications ?   2: How do you get debug log for an API when executed from a SQL script outside of Oracle Applications ?   a)…
问题 在工作中偶尔会遇到这样的问题:SQL script重复执行时会报错. 理想的状态下,SQL script跑一遍就够了,是不会重复执行的,但是实际情况往往很复杂. 比如Dev同学在开发时在A环境把他写的那个脚本单独执行了一遍,而在下一个测试周期的时候,测试同学又在A环境把所有DB脚本都执行了一遍,然后就报错了. 如下示例,这里错误的原因在于重复创建表. 例1 create table tableA (col1 char(10), col2 number); SQL Error: ORA-00…
-- MyISAM Foreign Keys显示不了外键,MyISAM此为5.0 以下版本使用 InnoDB 为5.0以上版本使用 drop table IF EXISTS city; CREATE TABLE `city` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT comment'', `Name` char(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' comment'', `CountryCode` char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '…
如果有成熟的架构,如何根据数据库关系的表.视图等,进行代码生成架构?减少写代码的时间? -- 考虑主键外键 -- create database geovindu; use geovindu; --2 create table EnterpriseType ( EnterpriseTypeID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, EnterpriseTypeName nvarchar(100) not null --企业类型名称 ); insert into E…
How to import .sql script 1.Export .sql from pl/sql developer you can reference to other document in my blog. 2.use @ symbol import write .sql script example  @C:\Users\john\Desktop\12.sql…
npm link & run npm script https://blog.csdn.net/juhaotian/article/details/78672390 npm link命令可以将一个任意位置的npm包链接到全局执行环境,从而在任意位置使用命令行都可以直接运行该npm包. app-cmd.cmd #!/usr/bin/env node echo "666" && npm run app package.json { "scripts&quo…
linux - Run bash script as daemon - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19233529/run-bash-script-as-daemon # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.…
https://www.opentechguides.com/how-to/article/powershell/105/powershel-security-error.html Unblocking a File that was downloaded When the execution policy is RemoteSigned, the files that are downloaded from the internet (or from emails) are blocked t…
1. background in most cases, we want to execute sql script  in doris  routinely. using azkaban, to load data,etc.And we want to pass parameters to the sql script file. we can easily handle such situation in hive. 1.1 hive usage: using -hiveconf:  or…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns…
Recently researched about database SQL scripts auto management tools, recorded the results here. Researched 3 tools used a lot from internet surfing, as well as posts and blogs of other developers. DBdeploy http://dbdeploy.com/ This is a Ant plugin t…
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying (MSPress, 2009) -- Chapter 12 - Graphs, Trees, Hierarchies and Recursive Queries -- Copyright Itzik Ben-Gan, 2009 -- All Rights…
The normal way of deploy clojure files is using leiningen. But if we have no leiningen, or the script is small and unnecessary to pack as a leiningen project, we can build a "bare" clojure script in the following way. Get the dependency jar file…
1.提交sql server中未提交的事务 commit select   @@TRANCOUNT 2.查询存储过程中包含某个字符串的所有存储过程 SELECT *FROM   INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINESWHERE  ROUTINE_DEFINITION LIKE '%Fetion%'ORDER BY SPECIFIC_NAME 3.删除主键-更改类型-添加主键 ALTER TABLE entry_baseinfo drop pk_entry_baseinfo ALT…
SET @sql = (SELECT IF( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usher_network_log ) > 1000000, "SELECT 0", "select * from Configuration")); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;EXECUTE stmt;DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;…
---摇奖observeh数据库设计 Function getSpace lottery /* -- Author:geovindu 涂聚文 -- Date: 20180427 为了自写生成代码.根据Metedata 生成有注释和关系表的代码,表必须要主键和注释 CREATE DATABASE LotteryDrawing GO USE LotteryDrawing GO */ ---獎項項目表AwardProject IF EXISTS (select * from sysobjects wh…
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(); //conn.ConnectionString = // "ODBC;" + // "Driver={Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0};" + // "DefaultDir=c:\myfolder\;" + // &…
MySQL: use sakila; -- show fields from table_name; -- show keys from table_name; SELECT `REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = '[table_containing_foreign_key]' AND `COLUMN_NAME` = '[foreign_key]'; SH…
详细流程请参考(本人测试过,很好用): http://dbup.github.io/ 配置截图: 程序如下: static int Main(string[] args) { var connectionString = args.FirstOrDefault() ?? "Server=(local)\\SqlExpress; Database=MyApp; Trusted_connection=true"; var upgrader = DeployChanges.To .SqlDa…
select ProductGUID,ProductName,ProjectGUID from dbo.Product /* F637A079-E22B-4E50-87E9-000147B1B1F4 产品5 4CB304EF-2135-43E7-90D6-B03B75CB491B C731BDB9-1436-4A23-A4FA-001097DF8218 产品4 471C3F21-B725-497C-9383-6ED7C97756D8 4CF14E4B-495F-4344-801F-001D4C7…
),startTime datetime,endTime datetime) BEGIN set @s1 = concat('SELECT * FROM ', deviceName , ' where view_time between ''' , startTime , ''' and ''' , endTime ,''' ;'); prepare s2 from @s1; execute s2; END…
CREATE TABLE #MoneyTable ( Id , ) PRIMARY KEY , MoneyName ) , Cents INT ) INSERT INTO #MoneyTable ( MoneyName, Cents ) ) INSERT INTO #MoneyTable ( MoneyName, Cents ) ) INSERT INTO #MoneyTable ( MoneyName, Cents ) ) INSERT INTO #MoneyTable ( MoneyName…
---https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/statements_8003.htm drop user geovin; drop user geovindu; create user geovindu identified by ORCA; --oracle用户创建及权限设置 create user geovin identified by password default tablespace users quota 10…
查某字段是否有汉字 SELECT*FROM TB WHERE COL LIKEN'%[吖-咗]%'…
DECLARE CURSOR cur_lcy_test IS SELECT rcta.customer_trx_id, rcta.trx_number, rcta.trx_date FROM ra_customer_trx_all rcta WHERE rcta.customer_trx_id = 11993; -- rec_lcy_test cur_lcy_test%ROWTYPE; -- w_csv_line_num NUMBER := 0; TYPE tbl_varchar2 IS TAB…
SELECT * from pg_class c,pg_attribute a,pg_type t where c.relname='BookKindList' and a.attnum>0 and a.attrelid=c.oid and a.atttypid=t.oid SELECT a.attname from pg_class c,pg_attribute a,pg_type t where c.relname='BookKindList' and a.attnum>0 and a.a…
Declare @xmlDoc xmlSET @xmlDoc = (SELECT * FROM USERS AS UserTable For XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, ROOT('Root'))SELECT @xmlDoc Result as below : <Root>  <UserTable>    <UserDBID>1</UserDBID>    <UserID>Admin                          …
DECLARE w_file_path VARCHAR2(4000) := 'XXIF_INPUT'; --all_directories.directory_name w_file_name VARCHAR2(4000) := 'lcytest001.csv'; --The file name w_file_exists BOOLEAN; w_file_length NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0; w_file_type utl_file.file_type; w_line VAR…