卡尔曼滤波— Constant Velocity Model】的更多相关文章

假设你开车进入隧道,GPS信号丢失,现在我们要确定汽车在隧道内的位置.汽车的绝对速度可以通过车轮转速计算得到,汽车朝向可以通过yaw rate sensor(A yaw-rate sensor is a gyroscopic device that measures a vehicle’s angular velocity around its vertical axis. )得到,因此可以获得X轴和Y轴速度分量Vx,Vy 首先确定状态变量,恒速度模型中取状态变量为汽车位置和速度: 根据运动学定…
之前有关卡尔曼滤波的例子都比较简单,只能用于简单的理解卡尔曼滤波的基本步骤.现在让我们来看看卡尔曼滤波在实际中到底能做些什么吧.这里有一个使用卡尔曼滤波在窗口内跟踪鼠标移动的例子,原作者主页:http://home.wlu.edu/~levys/ 首先,第一步是选取状态变量,这里选择系统状态变量为x=[x, y]T ,即状态变量选为鼠标在窗口内的位置.通过鼠标事件响应的回调函数可以获得鼠标当前位置,即观测值z = [x, y]T.对于这一问题外界控制量u=0. 观测噪声和系统噪声的选择需要靠实验…
Andrej Karpathy blog About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels May 31, 2016 This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). RL is hot! You may have noticed that computers can now automatica…
Mini-project #4 - "Pong" In this project, we will build a version of Pong, one of the first arcade video games (1972). While Pong is not particularly exciting compared to today's video games, Pong is relatively simple to build and provides a nic…
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creation Info * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Root Motion Computer * Ver…
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE The subject matter of the present disclosure relates to a framework for handling graphics animation and compositing operations for a graphical user interface of a computer system application. BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE Mac O…
Tracking without bells and whistles 2019-08-07 20:46:12 Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.05625 Code: https://github.com/phil-bergmann/tracking_wo_bnw 1. Background and Motivation: 本文提出一种很霸道的观点:A detector is all you need for Multi-Object Tracking.我们知…
Problem 9.17 Feather in tornado. In this project you will learn to use Newton's laws and the force model for air resistance in a wind field to address the motion of a light object in strong winds. We start from a simple model without wind and gradual…
自定义Movement组件 目的:实现自定义轨迹如抛物线,线性,定点等运动方式,作为组件控制绑定对象的运动. 基类:UMovementComponent 过程: 1.创建UCustomMovementComponenet继承UMovementComponent类,作为各种具体轨迹的父类,完成主要流程的实现.并提供接口给子类override实现具体计算过程. 2.实现子类轨迹计算过程.这里仅提供线性移动轨迹作为示例. 一.UCustomMovementComponent类 /** * class…
改变内容偏移 - (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset animated:(BOOL)animated;  // animate at constant velocity to new offset 显示contentsize中的某部分 - (void)scrollRectToVisible:(CGRect)rect animated:(BOOL)animated;         // scroll so rect is just visi…
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Linear world Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2448   Accepted: 564 Description The Disc, being flat, has no real horizon. Any adventurous sailors who get funny ideas from staring at eggs and oranges for too long and set ou…
Software Development and Newton's Laws of Motion Intro I have no idea since when the word velocity found a new home in software development, it is nevertheless popular these days. However I am pretty sure that Mr. Isaac Newton would not be happy if y…
Chapter 1. Points and Lines (已看) Chapter 2. Geometry Snippets (已看) Chapter 3. Trigonometry Snippets (已看) Chapter 4. Vector Operations (已看) Chapter 5. Matrix Operations (已看) Chapter 6. Transformations (已看) Chapter 7. Unit Convensions (已看) Chapter 8. M…
关节空间 VS 操作空间 关节空间与操作空间轨迹规划流程图如下(上标$i$和$f$分别代表起始位置initial和目标位置final): 在关节空间内进行轨迹规划有如下优点: 在线运算量更小,即无需进行机器人的逆解或正解解算 不受机器人奇异构型影响 可以根据机器人或驱动器手册直接确定最大速度或力矩 其缺点是对应操作空间的轨迹无法预测,增加了机械臂与环境碰撞的可能.例如,考虑下面的二连杆机构,关节运动的限制为:$0^{\circ} \le \theta_1 \le 180^{\circ}$,$0^…
Figure. Several possible path shapes for a single joint 五次多项式曲线(quintic polynomial) $$\theta(t)=a_0+a_1t+a_2t^2+a_3t^3+a_4t^4+a_5t^5$$ 考虑边界条件: $$\begin{align*} \theta_0&=a_0\\\theta_f&=a_0+a_1t+a_2{t_f}^2+a_3{t_f}^3+a_4{t_f}^4+a_5{t_f}^5\\\dot{\th…
路径规划 VS 轨迹规划 轨迹规划的目的是将输入的简单任务描述变为详细的运动轨迹描述.注意轨迹和路径的区别:Trajectory refers to a time history of position, velocity, and acceleration for each degree of freedom. The path provides a pure geometric description of motion. Path planning (global) The (geomet…
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Linear world Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4426   Accepted: 1006 Description The Disc, being flat, has no real horizon. Any adventurous sailors who get funny ideas from staring at eggs and oranges for too long and set o…
@RequestMapping(value = "/save.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)    public String saveDriver(            @RequestParam(value = "photo", required = false) MultipartFile filedata,            Driver driver, Model model) { trimDriver(drive…
Linear world Time Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4514 Accepted: 1025 Description The Disc, being flat, has no real horizon. Any adventurous sailors who get funny ideas from staring at eggs and oranges for too long and set out f…
第三弾が始まる! codechef problems 第三弹 一.Motorbike Racing 题面 It's time for the annual exciting Motorbike Race in Byteland. There are N motorcyclists taking part in the competition. Johnny is watching the race. At the present moment (time 0), Johnny has taken…
1.编写配置文件 #债权转让 #默认周期 必须大于0 credit.defaultDuration=1 #最小转让金额(元) credit.minBidAmount=1.00 #最小转让时间 到期时间小于此的不让进行转让(小时) credit.assignThreshold=24 #最小折让率(%) credit.minDiscountRate=70 #最大折让率(%) credit.maxDiscountRate=110 2.配置 spring  <!-- 配置参数 --> <bean…
UIScrollView(滚动试图) 1.简介 为什么有UISCrollView: 在iOS开发中,由于移动设备的屏幕大小有限,所以不能像PC一样显示很多内容,因此当手机屏幕需要展示的内容较多超出一个屏幕时,用户可以通过滚动手势来查看屏幕以外的内容. 普通的UIView不具备滚动的功能的,Apple公司就封装了一个继承于UIView的UIScrollView类(@interface UIScrollView : UIView <NSCoding>).  UIScrollView的内部已经帮我们…
一.为什么需要创建maven父子项目. 一般一个业务较多的项目,如果我们做服务拆分的话,有些公共的模块就只能做成jar包了.你将util.constant.model封装成jar包是比较好的,如果dao呢? 显然封装成jar包是不合适的,如果dao无法做业务拆分,那么就只能被多个模块共用了.比如一个商品表dao,商品查询系统和活动系统都想使用这个dao,这个时候就需要我们考虑建父子项目了. 二.如何创建. 1.父项目 无弄是基于maven还是基于spring-boot,都可以,只要保证建完之后结…
链接: https://vjudge.net/problem/LightOJ-1311 题意: A bird was flying on a train line, singing and passing lazy times. After a while it saw a train coming from its behind, so, it speeded up a bit, but remained calm. After a while it saw another train com…
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/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc. Unpublished - All rights reserved File Description: Define names of all NX object types and subtypes.…
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