var amount = 0.0d; var hitTheTargetCount = 0.0d; var M = 2.0d; var rnd=new Random(); ; i < ; i++) { var x = rnd.NextDouble() * Math.PI; var y = rnd.NextDouble() * M; //Console.WriteLine("x:{0},y:{1}", x, y); if (y <= Math.Sin(x)) { hitTheT…
Monte Carlo方法简介(转载) 今天向大家介绍一下我现在主要做的这个东东. Monte Carlo方法又称为随机抽样技巧或统计实验方法,属于计算数学的一个分支,它是在上世纪四十年代中期,为适应当时的曼哈顿计划需求而在美国Los Alamos实验室发展起来的,说白了就是美国为了造原子弹才逼出来的.Monte Carlo方法与一般的计算方法有很大的区别,一般计算方法对解决多维或因素复杂的问题非常困难,而Monte Carlo方法对解决这类问题却比较简单,因此Monte Carlo…
准备总结几篇关于 Markov Chain Monte Carlo 的笔记. 本系列笔记主要译自A Gentle Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) 文章下给出的链接. Monte Carlo Approximations Monte Carlo Approximation for Integration 理论部分 本文主要参考 Monte Carlo Approximations 蒙特卡洛方法是用来近似计算积分的,通过数值方法也可以计…
Nice R Code Punning code better since 2013 RSS Blog Archives Guides Modules About Markov Chain Monte Carlo 10 JUNE 2013 This topic doesn’t have much to do with nicer code, but there is probably some overlap in interest. However, some of the topics th…
Introduction to Monte Carlo Tree Search (蒙特卡罗搜索树简介) 部分翻译自“Monte Carlo Tree Search and Its Applications”. 论文链接: MCTS 结合了传统 MC 随机采样的方法 和 树搜索的方法.MC 方法利用重复的随机采样来得到结果.在…
Introduction To Monte Carlo Methods I’m going to keep this tutorial light on math, because the goal is just to give a general understanding. The idea of Monte Carlo methods is this—generate some random samples for some random variable of interest, th…