ON THE EVOLUTION OF MACHINE LEARNING: FROM LINEAR MODELS TO NEURAL NETWORKS We recently interviewed Reza Zadeh (@Reza_Zadeh). Reza is a Consulting Professor in the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University and a…
The Neural Network is one of the most powerful learning algorithms (when a linear classifier doesn't work, this is what I usually turn to), and this week's videos explain the 'backprogagation' algorithm for training these models. In this week's progr…
Neural networks is a model inspired by how the brain works. It is widely used today in many applications: when your phone interprets(解释口译) and understand your voice commands, it is likely that a neural network is helping to understand your speech; wh…
Machine Learning Lab1 打算把Andrew Ng教授的#Machine Learning#相关的6个实验一一实现了贴出来- 预计时间长度战线会拉的比較长(毕竟JOS的7级浮屠还没搞定.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 实验内容: 线性拟合 实验材…
(1) How to comput the Cost function in Univirate/Multivariate Linear Regression; (2) How to comput the Batch Gradient Descent function in Univirate/Multivariate Linear Regression; (3) How to scale features by mean value and standard deviation; (4) Ho…
郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Contents: ABSTRACT 1. Introduction 2. Biological background 2.1. Spiking neuron models 2.2. Synaptic plasticity 2.2.1. Unsupervised learning 2.2.2. Supervised learning 2.2.3. Reinforcement learning 2.2.4. Delay learning…
machine learning- linear regression with one variable(2) Linear regression with one variable = univariate linear regression: 由一个输入变量预测出一个output (regression problem预测连续的值).                                  single input<--->single output training set:…
Question 1 Consider the problem of predicting how well a student does in her second year of college/university, given how well they did in their first year. Specifically, let x be equal to the number of "A" grades (including A-. A and A+ grades)…
Matrix Vector Multiplication 左边的矩阵向量相乘法比右边的更简洁而且计算高效 Matrix Matrix Multiplication 可以同时计算12个结果(4个房子面积与3个不同的预测函数),更简洁与高效(利用计算机的并行计算等)…
一.How to construct the dependency? 1.首字母即随机变量名称 2.I->G是更加复杂的模型,但Bayes里不考虑,因为Bayes只是无环图. 3.CPD = conditional probability distribution.图中的每一个点都是一个CPD,这里5个点,就有五个CPD. 二.Chain Rule for Bayesian Neatworks 将整个Bayes网络的所有节点所构成的联合概率(Joint probability)利用链式法则(ch…