light1002:传送门 [题目大意] n个点m条边,给一个源点,找出源点到其他点的‘最短路’ 定义:找出每条通路中最大的cost,这些最大的cost中找出一个最小的即为‘最短路’,dijkstra变形.dis[i]为s->i的‘最短路’ #include<bits/stdc++.h> ][],dis[],vis[]; using namespace std; int n; void dij(int s) { int i,j,k; ; i<n; i++) { dis[i]=mp[…
题目连接: 题目描述: 有n个城市,从0到n-1开始编号,n个城市之间有m条边,中心城市为t,问每个城市到中心城市的最小路径的花费,路径花费大小的定义为:一条路上花费最大的边的值. 解题思路: Dijkstra的变形,用Dijkstra求出来的单源路径可以保证每条边都是最优的,所以最短路上的最长边就是所求. #include <algorithm> #include <i…
I am going to my home. There are many cities and many bi-directional roads between them. The cities are numbered from 0 to n-1 and each road has a cost. There are m roads. You are given the number of my city t where I belong. Now from each city you h…
1002 - Country Roads I am going to my home. There are many cities and many bi-directional roads between them. The cities are numbered from 0 to n-1 and each road has a cost. There are m roads. You are given the number of my city t where I belong. Now…
                                                                                           1002 - Country Roads    PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 3 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB 点击打开链接 I am going to my home. There are many cities and many…
题目链接: 描述 神秘的海洋,惊险的探险之路,打捞海底宝藏,激烈的海战,海盗劫富等等.加勒比海盗,你知道吧?杰克船长驾驶着自己的的战船黑珍珠1号要征服各个海岛的海盜,最后成为海盗王. 这是一个由海洋.岛屿和海盗组成的危险世界.杰克船长准备从自己所占领的岛屿A开始征程,逐个去占领每一个岛屿.面对危险重重的海洋与诡谲的对手,如何凭借智慧与运气,建立起一个强大的海盗帝国. 杰克船长手头有一张整个…
POJ.1797 Heavy Transportation (Dijkstra变形) 题意分析 给出n个点,m条边的城市网络,其中 x y d 代表由x到y(或由y到x)的公路所能承受的最大重量为d,求从1到n的所有通路中,所能经过的的最大重量的车为多少. 2. 代码总览 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <stack&…
Country roads take me home, to the place I belong.故乡的路,带我回家吧,回到我期盼已久的归宿.…
ROADS Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10742   Accepted: 3949 Description N cities named with numbers 1 ... N are connected with one-way roads. Each road has two parameters associated with it : the road length and the toll… 题意: 有两只青蛙A和B,现在青蛙A要跳到青蛙B的石头上,中间有许多石头可以让青蛙A弹跳.给出所有石头的坐标点,求出在所有通路中青蛙需要跳跃距离的最小值. 思路: dijkstra算法的变形.本来是dist是记录最短距离,在这道题中可以把它变为已经跳过的最大距离,稍微改一下松弛算法就可以.具体见代码. #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<string>…