之前的43条,44条讨论了属性的枚举,但都没有彻底地解决属性查找中原型污染的问题.看下面关于字典的一些操作 'zhangsan' in dict; dict.zhangsan; dict.zhangsan=22; js的对象操作总是经继承的方式工作的.即使是一个空的对象字面量也是继承了Object.protoype属性. var dict={}; 'zhangsan' in dict;//false 'lisi' in dict;//false 'wangwu' in dict;//false'…
for (var name in window) { if (window.hasOwnProperty(name)) { window.console.log ( name + " : " + window[name]); } else { //alert(name); // toString or something else }} javaScript 对象的hasOwnProperty方法打印window自定义属性…
hasOwnProperty()方法是判断某一个对象是否有你给出的属性名称,需要注意的是该方法无法检测该对象原型连中是否具有该属性 具体格式下: var person = {"name":"张三","age":100,"address":"中国上海"}; alert(person.hasOwnProperty("name"));//true alert(person.hasOwnProp…
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/584128/What-is-the-difference-between-equalsequals-and-Eq When we create any object there are two parts to the object one is the content and the other is reference to that content.So for example if you create an ob…