For a quick start, tell SetACL the following: Object name (-on): This is the path to the object SetACL should operate on (file/directory/registry key/network share/service/printer). Object type (-ot): What kind of object does the object name refer to…
Save this code here for studying and using it. Surce code is here. CmdLine.h File #pragma once #include "unicodemacro.h" #include <vector> #include <map> namespace Utility { // handy little container for our argument vector struct Cm…
How to create a Windows Server 2008 cluster from the command line? Creating a cluster in Server 2008 using the cluster.exe command follows essentially the same process as creating a cluster by using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Failover Clu…
C:\Program Files\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.1\atbackend\atprogram.exe No command specified.Atmel Studio Command Line InterfaceCopyright (C) 2013 Atmel Corporation. Usage: atprogram [options] <command> [arguments] [<command> [arguments] ...] Options:…
在Windows环境下的控制台上,通过qmake指令编译Qt程序时,出现 cc1plus.exe: error: unrecognized command line option "-fno-keep-inline-dllexport "问题,百思不得骑姐,最后通过指令gcc -v查看版本号发现,gcc 版本太低 gcc version 4.4.0 (GCC),修改环境变量中的MingW目录,更新gcc版本号,gcc version 4.8.2 (i686-posix-dwarf-re…
问题: 当程序正在安装ms数据访问组件时,弹出错误提示框:command line option syntax error,type command/? for help,点击确定继续:到了程序正在安装HTML帮助时,弹出标题为html help 1.32 update错误提示框:command line option syntax error,type command/? for help,点击确定继续:程序开始复制文件,复制完后弹出错误提示框:无法找到动态连接库sqlunirl.dll(sq…
windows 8 安装 oracle 11g 报错:command line option syntax error,type command/? for help 在windows8操作系统上安装oracle 数据库一定要注意安装路径中不能包括中文,当前登录系统的账户姓名不能是中文名字,一般我 安装windows8操作系统时需要捆绑一个我们申请好的微软邮箱,邮箱账号中姓名大多都写的是中文名字,当用该邮箱账号成功捆绑 windows8操作系统,操作系统就自动生成如:C:\Users\姓名\..…
VS2010安装WDT时出现"command line option syntax error.Type command/?for help错误 解决:可能是由于你的安装源文件所在的路径中有中文,所以你可将安装文件放在一个没有中文的路径.…
近来在研究PHP,结果为了Apache的安装伤神不已...小白我在安装后,启动Apache的服务虽然可以,不过,在Apache sevice monitor 中启动services时就会出现如下的问题: 对此小白是一点都不清楚什么原因,无奈之下只好上网求助,网上的解决版本如下:进入cmd, 然后进入 Apache安装目录(具体为你自己的安装目录)\bin> httpd.exe -w -n "Apache2.4" -k start (引号中的Apache2.4修改为你的Apache…
--------------------------- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable --------------------------- Command line option syntax error. Type Command /? for Help. --------------------------- 确定    --------------------------- 解决方法如下: 出错的原因:因为安装时的目录含有中文名,而C…