Dynamic Vertex Buffers】的更多相关文章

ynamic vertex buffers on the other hand allow us to manipulate the information inside the vertex buffer each frame if we need to. These buffers are much slower than static vertex buffers but that is the trade off for the extra functionality. The reas…
D3D 11到D3D 12的重大改进 Direct3D 12 的编程模型和 Direct3D 11大相径庭.在Direct3D 12中,应用程序和硬件靠得近多了,这在以前是从未有过的. 这让D3D12 变得前所未有的快速和高效.但是速度和效率提高的代价是,相比D3D11,Direct3D 12需要在应用程序中完成更多的任务. 显式同步处理 物理内存驻留管理 命令列表和命令集(Command list 和command bundle) 描述符堆和描述符表 从D11移植到D12 相关主题 Direc…
This sample was presented on the Nvida witesite, which detail a new idea to calculate the ambient occlusion and indirect lighting for dynamic objects under real time mode while still keep a good performace.  The basic idea of such kind of dynamic amb…
原地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_72b936d801013ptr.html icense Comparisons http://unity3d.com/unity/licenses#iphone Optimizing Graphics Performance http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Optimizing Graphics Performance.html iOS A useful bac…
前言:感慨于居然不用tesselation也可以产生这么复杂的地形,当然致命的那个关于不能有洞的缺陷还是没有办法,但是这个赶脚生成的已经足够好了,再加上其它模型估 计效果还是比较震撼的.总之好文共分享吧.Ryan GeissNVIDIA Corporation 1.1 Introduction Procedural terrains have traditionally been limited to height fields that are generated by the CPU and…
BACKGROUND This disclosure relates generally to the field of computer graphics. More particularly, but not by way of limitation, it relates to technique for manipulating sprites in a rendering system for use with a graphics processor unit (GPU). A sp…
[译]Vulkan教程(22)创建顶点buffer Vertex buffer creation 创建顶点buffer Introduction 入门 Buffers in Vulkan are regions of memory used for storing arbitrary data that can be read by the graphics card. They can be used to store vertex data, which we'll do in this c…
目录 13.1 本篇概述 13.1.1 本篇内容 13.1.2 概念总览 13.1.3 现代图形API特点 13.2 设备上下文 13.2.1 启动流程 13.2.2 Device 13.2.3 Swapchain 13.3 管线资源 13.3.1 Command 13.3.2 Render Pass 13.3.3 Texture, Shader 13.3.4 Shader Binding 13.3.5 Heap, Buffer 13.3.6 Fence, Barrier, Semaphore…
译者:林公子 出处:木木的二进制人生 转载请注明作者和出处,谢谢! 这是微软公布的Direct3D 12文档的其中一篇,此翻译留作学习记录备忘,水平有限,错漏难免,还望海涵. 原文链接是https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn899194(v=vs.85).aspx Direct3D 12到Direct3D 11的重大改变 Direct3D 12是对Direct3D 11编程模型的一个巨大颠覆.Direct3D 12让…
一.对D3D中AGP显存.内存.显存三种内存的解释 三种内存AGP内存(非本地显存),显存(本地内存),系统内存,其中我们都知道系统内存就是咱那内存条,那这AGP内存是个啥玩意啊?其实是因为在以前显卡内存都很小,那时还是在显存是16M,32M为主流的时候,如果你运行一个需要很多纹理的3D程序,那么显存一会就不够用了,那该咋办呢?只好问系统内存借点用用了!这就是AGP内存的由来, 在我们电脑BIOS中有个设置AGP Aperture的选项,这里就是设置显卡可以使用系统内存的最大允许值,通常是设置为…