Intro Baseline: store X&Y&Z Method 1: X&Y Method 3: Spherical Coordinates Method 4: Spheremap Transform Method 7: Stereographic projection Method 8: Per-pixel View Space Performance Comparison…
前言 随着图形硬件变得越来越通用和可编程化,采用实时3D图形渲染的应用程序已经开始探索传统渲染管线的替代方案,以避免其缺点.其中一项最流行的技术就是所谓的延迟渲染.这项技术主要是为了支持大量的动态灯光,而不需要一套复杂的着色器程序. 为了迎接这一章的项目,会对原来的代码有许多改动,并且会有许多引申的内容. DirectX11 With Windows SDK完整目录 Github项目源码 欢迎加入QQ群: 727623616 可以一起探讨DX11,以及有什么问题也可以在这里汇报. 前向渲染(Fo…
1.hierarchical storage structure      This notion of inserting a smaller, faster storage device (e.g., cache memory) between the processor and a larger slower device (e.g., main memory) turns out to be a general idea. In fact, the storage devices in… SQLiteSpy is a fast and compact GUI database manager for SQLite. It reads SQLite3 files and executes SQL against them. Its graphical user interface makes it very easy to explore, analyze, a…
free -g 说明: free -g -/+ buffers/cache 说明: buffer 写缓存,表示脏数据写入磁盘之前缓存一段时间,可以释放.sync命令可以把buffer强制写入硬盘 cache  读缓存,读取过的文件,会缓存一段时间.可以释放.(在数据库中,大多数情况下cache占用内存缓存热点数据.)   Men 行表示当前内存的使用情况.   -/+ buffers/cache: 基于应用角度考虑(计算已使用内存时减去buffers/cache,计算可使用内存时加上buffer…
An apparatus comprising a plurality of storage nodes comprising a plurality of corresponding storage disks and configured to store data in a distributed manner between the storage disks that achieves a Redundant Array of Independent Disks-0 (RAID0) l…
A system management mode (SMM) of operating a processor includes only a basic set of hardwired hooks or mechanisms in the processor for supporting SMM. Most of SMM functionality, such as the processing actions performed when entering and exiting SMM,…
14 InnoDB存储引擎 14 InnoDB存储引擎 14.1 InnoDB说明 14.1.1 InnoDB作为默认存储引擎 存储引擎的趋势 InnoDB变成默认存储引擎之后 InnoDB表好处 InnoDB表最佳实践 InnoDB表提升 InnoDB作为默认存储引擎测试 验证InnoDB是默认存储引擎 14.1.2 检查InnoDB可用 14.1.3 关闭InnoDB…
转: UBIFS FAQ and HOWTO Table of contents How do I enable UBIFS? How do I mount UBIFS? How do I create an UBIFS image? May an empty UBI volume be mounted? What is the purpose of -c (--max-leb-cnt) mkfs.…
| Main | Site Index | Download | mimetic A free/GPL C++ MIME Library mimetic is a free/GPL Email library (MIME) written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. It is based on the C++ standard library and heavily us…
An architecture for an extended multiprocessor (XMP) computer system is provided. The XMP computer system includes multiple SMP nodes. Each SMP node includes an XMP interface and a repeater structure coupled to the XMP interface. The SMP nodes are co…
A multiprocessing system having a plurality of processing nodes interconnected by an interconnect network. To optimize performance during spin-lock operations, a home agent prioritizes the servicing of read-to-own (RTO) transaction requests over the…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates generally to single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) processing and, more specifically, to a technique for saving and restoring thread group operating state. In a conventional SIMD architectu…
14.7 InnoDB Table Compression 14.7.1 Overview of Table Compression 14.7.2 Enabling Compression for a Table 14.7.3 Tuning Compression for InnoDB Tables 14.7.4 Monitoring Compression at Runtime 14.7.5 How Compression Works for InnoDB Tables 14.7.6 Comp…
A multi-core processor includes logical partitions that have respective processor cores, memory areas, and Ethernet controllers. At least one of the Ethernet controllers is disabled for external communication and is assigned as an inter-partition Eth…
GPU Accelerated Compositing in Chrome Tom Wiltzius, Vangelis Kokkevis & the Chrome Graphics team updated May 2014 This code is changing due to Slimming Paint and thus there may be large changes in the future. Note also that some class names may have…
BACKGROUND The technology described herein relates to methods of and apparatus for using and handling textures, and in particular for carrying out so-called "virtual texturing", in computer graphics systems. It is common in computer graphics sys…
Kafaka connect 是一种用于在Kafka和其他系统之间可扩展的.可靠的流式传输数据的工具.它使得能够快速定义将大量数据集合移入和移出Kafka的连接器变得简单.Kafka Connect可以从数据库或应用程序服务器收集数据到Kafka topic,使数据可用于低延迟的流处理.导出作业可以将数据从Kafka topic传输到二次存储和查询系统,或者传递到批处理系统以进行离线分析. Kafaka connect的核心组件:Source:负责将外部数据写入到kafka的topic中.Sin…
commands : show sys connect sys as sysdba or connect system as sysdba logout or disc clear screen or cle screen (utlsample.sql  —> unlock scott tables.sql  —> all tables data.sql  —> add data into tables) connect scott/tiger start C:\utlsample.sq…
Compiler Error C2719 'parameter': formal parameter with __declspec(align('#')) won't be aligned The align __declspec modifier is not permitted on function parameters. Function parameter alignment is controlled by the calling convention used. For more…
This guide explains how you can set up an iSCSI target and an iSCSI initiator (client), both running Ubuntu 10.04. The iSCSI protocol is a storage area network (SAN) protocol which allows iSCSI initiators to use storage devices on the (remote) iSCSI…
Xtrabackup介绍 1.Xtrabackup是什么 Xtrabackup是一个对InnoDB做数据备份的工具,支持在线热备份(备份时不影响数据读写),是商业备份工具InnoDB Hotbackup的一个很好的替代品. Xtrabackup有两个主要的工具:xtrabackup.innobackupex 1.xtrabackup只能备份InnoDB和XtraDB两种数据表,而不能备份MyISAM数据表2. innobackupex是参考了InnoDB Hotbackup的innoback脚本…
项目的组件相对比较复杂,原有的一些选项是靠 ConfigMap 以及 istioctl 分别调整的,现在通过重新设计的Helm Chart,安装选项用values.yml或者 helm 命令行的方式来进行集中管理了. 在安装 Istio 之前要确保 Kubernetes 集群(仅支持v1.9及以后版本)已部署并配置好本地的 kubectl 客户端. 1. 下载 Istio $ wget…
  最近学习使用了一款HTML5游戏引擎(青瓷引擎),并用它尝试做了一个斗地主的游戏,简单实现了单机对战和网络对战,代码可已放到github上,在此谈谈自己如何通过引擎来开发这款游戏的. 客户端代码 服务端代码 (点击图片进入游戏体验) 本篇文章为第一部分,主要包括单机模式的开始布局设计准备.主要内容如下: 斗地主游戏介绍 创建工程与主场景 单机模式场景布局 添加图形资源 一.斗地主游戏介绍 斗地主游戏对于大家应该是算耳熟能详的游戏了,我就简单说明下自己理解的整个游戏的流程. 游戏的主体,如图所…
内存是计算机⾮常关键的部件之⼀,是暂时存储程序以及数据的空间,CPU只有有限的寄存器可以⽤于存储计算数据,⽽⼤部分的数据都是存储在内存中的,程序运⾏都是在内存中进⾏的.和CPU计算能⼒⼀样, 内存也是决定计算效率的⼀个关键部分. 计算中的资源中主要包含:CPU计算能⼒,内存资源以及I/O.现代计算机为了充分利⽤资源,⽽出现了多任务操作系统,通过进程调度来共享CPU计算资源,通过虚拟存储来分享内存存储能⼒. 本章的内存管理中不会介绍操作系统级别的虚拟存储技术,⽽是关注在应⽤层⾯:如何⾼效的利⽤有限…
主要参考英文帖子.我就不翻译了哈.很容易懂的. 先说明我的运行平台: 1.IDE:Visual Studio 2012 C# .Net Framework4.5,使用默认安装路径: 2.显卡类型:NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M(笔记本用移动显卡),CUDA Toolkit版本:cuda_6.5.14_windows_general_64,使用默认安装路径. 3.使用的managedCUDA版本和下载链接:managedCUDA.作者:kunzmi, version 15.郑重声明,…
MySQL的热备(物理备份)可以采取全备加增量备份的方式来减轻数据库I/O压力及系统资源的占用.增量备份主要是以全备或增量备份为基础,备份那些变更过的页面.其备份的原理是基于一个不断增长的LSN序列,这个LSN与Oracle的SCN类似.在恢复期间,我们需要将已提交的事务前滚,未提交的事务回滚.本文主要描述了增量备份及增量恢复. 1.增备的相关知识点    As not all information changes between each backup, the incremental ba…
A speculative store buffer is speculatively updated in response to speculative store memory operations buffered by a load/store unit in a microprocessor. Instead of performing dependency checking for load memory operations among the store memory oper…
The present invention provides a processor including a core unit for processing requests from at least one process. The at least one process has a code portion with at least one segment having a first code context identifier. The at least one process…
A pending tag system and method to maintain data coherence in a processing node during pending transactions in a transaction pipeline. A pending tag storage unit may be coupled to a cache controller and configured to store pending tags each indicativ…