[Javascript] delete keyword】的更多相关文章

delete keyword doesn't actually delete the value but just the reference. var me = { name: { first: "Wan" } }; var wan = me.name; delete me.name; console.log(wan.first); //Wan So here, what actually delete is the point of me.name: So the point fr…
学习delete可以参考下面两个博客,写的都很好,本文大部分参考与以下两个博客 http://www.cnblogs.com/windows7/archive/2010/03/28/1698387.html http://my.oschina.net/warmcafe/blog/75845 一.javascript delete的作用 delete方法用于删除对象的指定元素(包括变量和函数) 1.新建一个变量flower,并新添一个属性变量name,然后delete该属性 var flower=…
很少使用javascript的delete,最近因为一个小bug发现删除引用类型对象的时候有一点不同.如下面例子: var testVar = { a : { test : 1 } }, test1 = {}, test2 = {}; test1.a = testVar.a; test2.a = testVar.a; /* delete test1.a; console.log(test1.a); // undefined console.log(test2.a); // Object {tes…
https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_this.asp What is this? The JavaScript this keyword refers to the object it belongs to. It has different values depending on where it is used: In a method, this refers to the owner object. Alone, this refers to the glob…
想了解delete的机制缘起一个现象,我无法解释,也无法理解. 首先看一下下面这个例子: var x = 1; delete x; //false 然后我又执行了一次: y = 2; delete y; //true 看到上面的结果,我比较吃惊,为什么同样是删除,区别怎么这么大呢?进而我想学习和了解一下JS delete的机制.  在MDN(Mozilla Developer Network)上看到下面一个例子 x = 42; // creates the property x on the g…
以前,我就晓得delete只能够删除隐性属性(就是没有进行声明的变量),但是不知道为什么这样? 隐性属性:在页面中以前没有声明过该变量,直接进行赋值的 str='hongda' 其实这是由属性的特性决定的. 属性的特性 所有的属性(property) 都可以有很多特性(attributes). {ReadOnly}——忽略向属性赋值的写操作尝,但只读属性可以由宿主环境行为改变——也就是说不是“恒定值” ; {DontEnum}——属性不能被for..in循环枚举 {DontDelete}——糊了…
一.问题的提出 我们先来看看下面几段代码,要注意的是,以下代码不要在浏览器的开发者工具(如FireBug.Chrome Developer tool)中运行,原因后面会说明: 为什么我们可以删除对象的属性: }; delete o.x; // true o.x; // undefined 但不以删除像这样声明的变量: ; delete x; // false x; // 1 也不能删除像这样定义的函数: function x(){} delete x; // false typeof x; //…
javascript 数组中删除元素用 array.splice(start, deleteCount);这个方法. ----------------------------------------------------- delete will delete the object property, but will not reindex the array or update its length. This makes it appears as if it is undefined:…
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转自:http://google.github.io/styleguide/javascriptguide.xml Google JavaScript Style Guide Revision 2.93 Aaron Whyte Bob Jervis Dan Pupius Erik Arvidsson Fritz Schneider Robby Walker Each style point has a summary for which additional information is ava…