关机的情况下,手指一起按这3个按键(音量下键+搜索键+开机键)看到SKY标志后即可松手,就可以进入恢复界面恢复界面操作方法:音量上下键为上下移动,关机键为选择.选择 wipe data/factory reset确认再选-YES --delete all user data,确认 选择wipe cache partition确认再选-YES-wipe Cache,确认 确认,回主菜单 选最上面一行 reboot system now ,确认…
有时候我们在系统正常运行的时候,突然跑到recovery里面了,并且停在了如下界面: Can't load Android system. Your data may be corrupt. If you continue to get this message, you may need to perform a factory data reset and erase all user data stored on this device. 意思是说,不能加载正常的安卓系统,可能数据损坏…