原文:C# Tips & Tricks: Weak References - When and How to Use Them Sometimes you have an object which is very large and needed multiple times, but not constantly, throughout your application. For example a huge lookup table, or the contents of a large f…
As you know, JavaScript is the number one programming language in the world, the language of the web, of mobile hybrid apps (like PhoneGap or Appcelerator), of the server side (like NodeJS or Wakanda) and has many other implementations. It’s also the…
原文来自于:http://flippinawesome.org/2013/12/23/45-useful-javascript-tips-tricks-and-best-practices/ 1 – Don’t forget var keyword when assigning a variable’s value for the first time. Assignment to an undeclared variable automatically results in a global…
Must Know Tips/Tricks in Deep Neural Networks (by Xiu-Shen Wei)   Deep Neural Networks, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with…
<45 Useful JavaScript Tips, Tricks and Best Practices> http://flippinawesome.org/2013/12/23/45-useful-javascript-tips-tricks-and-best-practices/ 1 – Don’t forget var keyword when assigning a variable’s value for the first time. Assignment to an unde…
Productivity tips, tricks and hacks for academics (2015 edition) Contents Jump to: My philosophy: Optimize transaction costs. Don't work from home. Eliminate temptation to waste time. Salvage dead time with technology. Get rid of your TV. Taming emai…
前端开发者进阶之ECMAScript新特性[一]--Object.create   Object.create(prototype, descriptors) :创建一个具有指定原型且可选择性地包含指定属性的对象 参数:prototype 必需.  要用作原型的对象. 可以为 null.descriptors 可选. 包含一个或多个属性描述符的 JavaScript 对象.“数据属性”是可获取且可设置值的属性. 数据属性描述符包含 value 特性,以及 writable.enumerable…
之前写过一篇文章介绍Dagger2的初步知识, 本篇文章主要介绍Dagger2的进阶知识点. 主要包含的内有有 @Binds与@Provides的使用 Provider与Lazy的使用 依赖与包含 Dagger.Android @Binds与@Provides 相信大家经常会使用@Provides来在Module里面提供需要注入对象的构造, 但从来没有用过@Binds. 如果我们需要注入一个接口的实现,我们常常会这么做: @Provides public XXInterface provides…
http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/weixs/project/CNNTricks/CNNTricks.html Deep Neural Networks, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with mul…
去年,Android应用数量已经超过iOS成为全球最大的生态系统,不过在这多大百万的应用中,有些应用的下载量很大,赚的盆满钵满:另外一些应用就石沉大海.无人问津了. 拥有多年程序开发经验,最近在开发Android应用Sliding Explorer的Shirwa Mohamed就总结了一些看似普通却非常实用的Tips,我们来一起看看. 1.遵循Andriod开发手册 谷歌已经为开发者提供了一整套开发范例,虽然不是强制采用,但按照手册来进行编程无疑可以让你对Android系统如何运行你的程序理解的…