pytorch中transform函数 一般用Compose把多个步骤整合到一起: 比如说 transforms.Compose([ transforms.CenterCrop(10), transforms.ToTensor(), ]) 这样就把两个步骤整合到一起 接下来介绍transforms中的函数 Resize:把给定的图片resize到given size Normalize:Normalized an tensor image with mean and standard devia…
目录 概 主要内容 LSGD Box 初始化 Box for Resnet 代码 Cyr E C, Gulian M, Patel R G, et al. Robust Training and Initialization of Deep Neural Networks: An Adaptive Basis Viewpoint.[J]. arXiv: Learning, 2019. @article{cyr2019robust, title={Robust Training and Initi…
I've recently got a problem. require 'cutorch' doesn't work. But it was ok yesterday, although I have tried to reinstall this package. It doesn't work either. If you have the same problem, here is the solution. 1.change to you torch home directory. s…
深度学习框架 Torch 7 问题笔记 1. 尝试第一个 CNN 的 torch版本, 代码如下: -- We now have 5 steps left to do in training our first torch neural network -- 1. Load and normalize data -- 2. Define Neural Network -- 3. Define Loss function -- 4. Train network on training data -…