Yuanfang is puzzled with the question below: There are n integers, a 1, a 2, -, a n. The initial values of them are 0. There are four kinds of operations. Operation 1: Add c to each number between a x and a y inclusive. In other words, do transformat…
版权声明:笔记整理者亡命小卒热爱自由,崇尚分享.但是本笔记源自www.jtthink.com(程序员在囧途)沈逸老师的<web级mysql颠覆实战课程 >.如需转载请尊重老师劳动,保留沈逸老师署名以及课程来源地址. 现在我们接着上节课,完成第二个功能,不管成功不成功都记录一个日志. 一.回顾上节课内容,我们在user_log表中添加一个字段 user_id. 在上一节课的存储过程新增一行代码,如下: BEGIN ; set @user_name=''; set @_result='login…