CvMat: typedef struct CvMat { int type; int step; /* for internal use only */ int* refcount; int hdr_refcount; union { uchar* ptr; short* s; int* i; float* fl; double* db; } data; #ifdef __cplusplus union { int rows; int height; }; union { int cols;…
opencv opencv中Mat存在各种类型,其中mat有一个type()的函数可以返回该Mat的类型.类型表示了矩阵中元素的类型以及矩阵的通道个数,它是一系列的预定义的常量,其命名规则为CV_(位数)+(数据类型)+(通道数).具体的有以下值: err: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (type == B.type()) terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what():…
After OpenCV 3.0, CvMat cannot be directly converted to cv::Mat, we need to use function cvarrToMat() to do it. Please see the code below: CvMat *cm; cv::Mat m; // Before OpenCV 3.0 m = cm; m = cv::Mat(cm); // After OpenCV 3.0 m = cv::cvarrToMat(cm);…
我们有时候在项目中需要将OpenCV中的cv::Mat导入MatLab进行分析与处理,那么如果把数据转过去呢,我们的做法是首先将cv::Mat导出为txt文件,或者是yml文件,请参见我之前的博客Write cv::Mat to a file. 导出的txt文件可以直接load进MatLab,如果数据是多维数组的话,只需用写几行代码来修改下即可,参见代码如下: // If the size of 'im' is m by n by k,then the loaded 'data' is m by…
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