JavaScript’s core—most often used and most fundamental—data type is the Object data type. JavaScript has one complex data type, the Object data type, and it has five simple data types: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, and Null. Note that these sim… Post Complex JavaScript Objects to ASP.NET MVC Controllers Posted in ASP.NET'JavaScript August 21, 2009 Use the plug-in postify.js to handle posting comple…
Silverlight If the target managed property or input parameter is strongly typed (that is, not typed as an object), Silverlight attempts to convert the JavaScript object to the corresponding .NET Framework object. If the conversion fails (because of m…
Immutable.js offers the fromJS() method to build immutable structures from objects and array. Objects are converted into maps. Arrays are converted into lists. The fromJS() method can also take a reviver function for custom conversions. Object to Im…
Constructor functions hold an interesting purpose in JavaScript. Unlike in classical languages, they do not always mean created by. In this lesson we’ll use the new keyword to make a constructor call and work with the .constructor property. When we d…
非常好的文章: jan. 25 2013 147 Prototype is a fundamental concept that every JavaScript developer must understand, and this article aims to explain JavaScript’s prototype in plain…
本文主要目的是向c++程序员阐述javascript的编程思想,以及编程中的误区. 变量声明: 1.变量声明的解析早于代码运行.JavaScript引擎的工作方式是,先解析代码,获取所有被声明的变量,然后再一行一行地运行(This behaviour is called "hoisting", as it appears that the variable declaration is moved to the top of the function or global code.…