Expert Python programming - Reading Notes】的更多相关文章

1. MRO: method resolution order lookup order: L(MyClass) = [MyClass, merged(L(Base1), L(Base2), Base1, Base2)] 2. super(...) 必须所有的父类都call super, 不然会有不可预测的问题 3. class variable & instance variable 查找顺序 都可以通过 self.x 访问, 所以instance variable 会覆盖class vari…
The Acceptance Test Engineering Guide will provide guidance for technology stakeholders (developers, development leads, testers, test leads, architects, etc.) and business stakeholders (managers, customers, end users, etc) on the discipline of accept…
最近研究python,打算将python programming第三版案例分析下 但是全书1600多页 比较费时 而且 介绍太多 感觉没有必要! python programming 堪称经典之作 第四版已经出来 第四版本是3.X 暂时用不到 所以 看第三版!总共1740页 预计3个月搞定(4.15-7.15)…
Peter Van Der Linden (作者) <C和C++经典著作 C专家编程Expert C Programming Deep C Secrets>展示了C程序员所使用的编码技巧,并专门开辟了一章对C++的基础知识进行了介绍.书中C的历史.语言特性.声明.数组.指针.链接.运行时.内存以及如何进一步学习C++等问题进行了细致的讲解和深入的分析.全书撷取几十个实例进行讲解,对C程序员具有非常高的实用价值.<C和C++经典著作?C专家编程Expert C Programming De…
P4: 好梗!There is one other convention—sometimes we repeat a key point to emphasize it. In addition, we sometimes repeat a key point to emphasize it. P5:UCB的UNIX文档里,tunefs命令的说明有一个叫Bugs的模块,最后一句吐槽道: You can tune a file system, but you can't tune a fish. …
# coding: utf-8 # 使用Windows系统,首行'#!/usr/bin/env Pyton'无用,全部改为'# coding: utf-8' ' -- read and display text file' # get filename fname = raw_input('Enter filename: ') print # attempt to open file for reading try: fobj = open(fname, 'r')…
Contents Tutorial Hello, World Command-Line Arguments Finding Duplicate Lines A Web Server Loose Ends Program Structure Names Declarations Variables Assignments Type Declarations Packages and Files Scope Basic Data Types Integers Floating-Point Numbe…
James Payne(American)编写的<Beginning Python>中文译作<Python入门经典>,堪称是Python的经典著作. 当然安装Python是很简单的,下载地址为: .由于Python需要在注册表中进行注册,因此需要配置相应的环境变量(略). 1.Python Shell 简介 Python初学者最实用的工具就是Python IDLE(Python GUI)---Python Shell,如…
Reading sources: 1.Johannes Braumann, Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Adaptive Robot Control (ARC  ) Note: building upon an as of yet unnamed interface from KUKA that utilizes generic UDP packets to communicate with and control KUKA robots. use every network-ca…
Test-Driven Development PrinciplesTDD consists of writing test cases that cover a desired feature, then writing the feature itself. In other words, the usage examples are written before the code even exists.For example, a developer who is asked to wr…