F. st-Spanning Tree 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/723/problem/F Description You are given an undirected connected graph consisting of n vertices and m edges. There are no loops and no multiple edges in the graph. You are also given two distinct…
Codeforces Round #486 (Div. 3) F. Rain and Umbrellas 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/group/T0ITBvoeEx/contest/988/problem/E Description Polycarp lives on a coordinate line at the point x=0. He goes to his friend that lives at the point x=a. Polycarp can…
Codeforces Round #485 (Div. 2) F. AND Graph 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/987/problem/F Description You are given a set of size $m$ with integer elements between $0$ and $2^{n}-1$ inclusive. Let's build an undirected graph on these integers in…
https://codeforces.com/contest/1080/problem/F 题意 有k个区间,区间的种类有n种,有m个询问(n,m<=1e5,k<=3e5),每次询问a,b,x,y,代表对于种类编号为[a,b]的每一种区间,是否都存在一个区间x<=l,r<=y,输出yes or no 思路 现将区间按左端点从小到大排序,对于每一个询问首先找出第一个左端点大于x的区间,然后看[a,b]中最大的右端点是否>y即可 需要一颗以种类编号为下标,右端点为权值的主席树,维…
F. Ehab and a weird weight formula 题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1088/problem/F 题意: 给出一颗点有权值的树,满足只有一个点的权值最小,然后除开这个点,每个点都有一个权值比它更小的点与之相邻. 然后要求你重构这颗树,满足点权及边权和最小. 点权计算方法: au = au*num(num为与之相邻边的个数); 边权计算方法: e{u,v},we = dis(u,v)*min(au,av) (dis(u,v…