在开发asp.net mvc程序时,默认时我们会使用LocalDB, 我们有时会以为删除掉App_Data目录就可以自动新建数据库,但是我们在网站重新启动后(进入Account)就会发现报如下错误: The ASP.NET Simple Membership database could not be initialized. For more information, please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=256588 通过调式发现…
情况:根据https://github.com/rebeccahughes/react-native-device-info添加依赖库,运行.xcworkspacea项目后报错 解决:Delete node modules, then run npm install (or better yet yarn) and after everything has finished downloading, run react-native upgrade which should give you t…
zabbix安装unixODBC配置完之后报错 libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient_r.so.16 分析 我没有使用centos6自带的MySQL包,而是从官方下载的MySQL5.6的包,但是安装msyql-connector-odbc的时候我使用了自带的,导致错误, 解决方法 卸载掉刚才装的MySQL-connectoryum remove mysql-connector-odbc 从官方下载安装包 安装完从官网下载的包之后…
我用VS2012在Nuget中安装Signalr之后报错 “/”应用程序中的服务器错误. The following errors occurred while attempting to load the app.- No assembly found containing an OwinStartupAttribute.- No 'Configuration' method was found in class 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PageInspecto…
check out下来后报错提示: svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' commandsvn: E155036: Working copy '/home/easwy/dev' is too old (format 10, created by Subversion 1.6) 解决办法: 在命令行下跳转到工程目录文件夹,执行"svn upgrade"命令 svn upgrade 输出:Upgraded '.' 来自为知笔记(Wiz)…
删除库的时候报错 ERROR: database "temp_test_yang" is being accessed by other usersDETAIL: There are 4 other sessions using the database. 说明该temp_test_yang库正在被人连接.解决方法是: 查询出连接该数据库的进程,并将其杀死(比较暴力) select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity wh…
解决mac安装homebrew后报错-bash: brew: command not found 参照官网上很简单的一句安装命令, /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" 安装完毕后,发现使用brew命令,却总是提示:-bash: brew: command not found /usr/local/bin不在PATH中…
jenkins源码管理,添加SSH地址后报错: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 有的在使用SSH地址,在jenkins上拉取Gitlab上的项目,可能会报错: 这是刚添加完gitlab地址,就报的错. 也有可能此时没有报错,但是在进行jenkins构建的时候,报错: Started by Git…
执行composer install后报错: d11wtq/boris v1.0.10 requires ext-pcntl * -> the requested PHP extension pcntl is missing from your system. d11wtq/boris v1.0.10 requires ext-pcntl * -> the requested PHP extension pcntl is missing from your system. Installati…
oracle centos 重启后报错ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 1.查看监听状态lsnrctl start 2.通过sqlplus / as sysdba ,执行startup来启动数据库,发现报错,initORCL.ora不存在. 3.进入对应目录,打开spfileorcl.ora,发现db_name=orcl, 4.查看环境变量 cat…
遍历List集合删除元素的出现报错 遍历List集合删除元素的时候会发生索引越界异常或内容遍历不全等问题. 例子: List<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); al.add("12"); al.add("1"); al.add("13"); int size = al.size(); 问题1:索引越界异常Exception in thread "main"…