PIC32MZ tutorial -- External Interrupt】的更多相关文章

In my older blog "PIC32MZ tutorial -- Key Debounce", I shows how to acheive key debounce with port polling. At this moment, I write an application which uses External Interrupt.  Therefore, only generates interrupt and starts debounce when the f…
In my previous blog "PIC32MZ tutorial -- Output Compare", I shows how to apply Output Compare without interrupt to generate PWM signal. I also tried the Output Compare interrupt. I selected OC to be PWM mode without fault pin (OCM = "110&qu…
An interrupt is an internal or external event that requires quick attention from the controller. The PIC32MZ architecture provides a rich interrupt system that can manage up to 190 sources of interrupts. Each interrupt source can have a unique piece…
External Input Counter and External interrupt : count the input signal from the button. So what is the different between two methods ? While external interrupt needs to jump into the interrupt routine to do the increment or decrement of a variable, c…
How can you add extra hardware UARTs to a 32bit TMS470 ARM7-based microcontroller at zero cost? Solution: Designers can use the high-end timer (HET) peripheral found on all Texas Instruments ARM7-based, 32-bit TMS470 microcontrollers to implement add…
外部中斷(External Interupt) 在MCU中是很常見而且很常用到的基本function,所以就不多做解釋.不過因為每顆MCU的配置都不太一樣所以在此記錄下來. External Interrupt 配置 void EXIT_GPIO_Config(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Config; EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_Config; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_Config; RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCm…
Output Compare is a powerful feature of embedded world. The PIC32 Output Compare module compares the values stored in the OCxR and/or the OCxRS registers to the value in the selected timer. When a match occurs, the Output Compare module generates an…
The microcontroller is PIC32MZ2048ECH144 on the PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit. This microcontroller has four 32-bit synchronous timers are available by combining Timer2 with Timer3, Timer4 with Timer5, Timer6 with Timer7, and Timer8 with Timer9. The 32-bit…
Today I accomplish a simple application for PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit. This application uses Input Capture feature of PIC32MZ. The Input Capture module captures the 32-bit value of the selected Time Base registers when an event occurs at the ICx pin.  T…
In my last post I implement "Key Debounce" with port polling, port polling is not very efficient. And this time, I will use change notification instead of port polling. It generates interrupt and starts debounce when the level of digital port ch…
Today I accomplish a application on PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit. The feature of application is to light up LED when key released and put out LED when key pressed. LED is  the Starter Kit LED1 connecting to RH0. Key is the Starter Kit push button SW1 conne…
Today I implement "Hello World" on PIC32MZ EC starter kit. The application of "Hello World" only lights up a LED. There are three LEDs on the starter kit board -- LED1 and LED2 and LED3.  At the moment, I only light LED1 on RH0. Every…
At this moment, I accomplish the interface of UART communication for PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit. This interface configures the PIC32MZ for communication with a host PC at 115200 baud. There are five functions in the interface -- Uart_Init(), Uart_Getc(),…
note 1:  Several interrupts can be pending at the same time. When an interrupt request is not serviced immediately, it is latched and then processed when its software priority combined with the hardware priority becomes the highest one. note 2: From…
Watchdog is a very necessary module for embedded system. Someone said that embedded system operates without watchdog enabled just like the car without air bag. You should always enabled watchdog as possible as you can. The PIC32MZ Watchdog Timer (WDT…
Today I finish the "Blinky LED" application on PIC32MZ starter kit. This application let LED1 blink with 0.5HZ frequency. The pseudo code is like LOOP: LED ON Delay second LED OFF Delay second It uses Timer1 to control the delay time. So first I…
Core Timer is a very popular feature of PIC32 since it is a piece of the MIPS M4K core itself and is common to all MIPS processors. Most RTOS's timer are based on core timer. This timer has a fixed prescaler 1:2, and it is a 32-bit timer, no need to…
EXTI控制器的主要特点如下: 每个中断/事件线上的独立触发器和掩码 每个中断行的专用状态位 生成最多20个软件事件/中断请求 脉冲宽度小于APB2时钟周期的外部信号检测. 每条中断线路的专用状态位生成最多20个软件事件/中断请求检测脉冲宽度小于APB 2时钟周期的外部信号.…
The STM32F4xx are able to handle external or internal events in order to wake up the core (WFE). The wakeup event can be generated either by: (I've removed normal external interrupt mode details) or configuring an external or internal EXTI line in ev…
STM32F4 External interrupts Each STM32F4 device has 23 external interrupt or event sources. They are split into 2 sections. First interrupt section is for external pins (P0 to P15) on each port, and other section is for other events, like RTC interru…
BACKGROUND The present disclosure relates to the handling of interrupts in a environment that utilizes virtual machines, and, more specifically, to the steering of interrupts between multiple logical processors running virtual machines. The virtualiz…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This relates to Input/Output (I/O) performance in a host system having multiple processors, and more particularly, to efficient usage of multiple processors in handling I/O completions by using interrupt affinity schemes t…
catalogue . Cortex-M3地址空间 . 基于标准外设库的软件开发 . 基于固件库实现串口输出(发送)程序 . 红外接收实验 . 深入分析流水灯例程 . GPIO再举例之按键实验 . 串口通信(USART) . 库函数开发通用流程小结 . DMA传输方式 . STM32 ADC . SysTick(系统滴答定时器) . STM32定时器 0. Cortex-M3地址空间 0x1: MDK中三种linker之间的区别 1. 采用Target对话框中的RAM和ROM地址 采用此方式,需…
一.背景 有个需求,IO口检测上升沿,然后做相应的动作.在此记录STM32F103的外部中断结构及配置方法, 以备下次快速上手使用. 有许多不太明白,又是老司机(:-D)帮忙,真的是站在别人的肩膀上会让你看的更远,走的更快, 感谢老司机. 二.正文 STM32f103有68个可屏蔽中断.(但是,真正能用的其实远没有这么多,原因下面会详述.) 有16个可编程的优先等级,优先等级的概念可详见我的另外一篇博客<STM32 之 NVIC(中断向量. 优先级)简述>,链接:"http://ww…
前言     传说中的VT貌似很神秘的样子,关于VT入门的资料又很少,于是研究了一番 由于资源有限,自身水平亦有限,并且是闭门造车之作,如有错误的地方请指正,不胜感激! 关于VT可以先参考海风月影写的关于VT调试器http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.PHP?t=96122   运行环境 操作系统: windows XP  CPU : intel i3-390M  状态: 单核运行   驱动没有卸载部分,测试前请先保存好文档.在 boot.ini 文件中添加 /nump…
互联网的广大网友,大家早上中午晚上好.EXTI...故名思义..EX表外,出..I表示Intrrupt..所以合起来就是外部中断...说到这..我觉得我最近的六级水平(背单词)又进了一步,稍微自夸了下下..英语重要呀..所以各位要多读英语呀... 之前的51单片机也有外部中断0和外部中断1.咦?强大的STM32怎么能输给51呢是吧..根据“葵花宝典”第STM32篇参考手册中明文规定:112通用I/O端口以下图的方式连接到16个外部中断/事件线上: 有看出点什么猫腻来没??看出来的有赏喔..世上最…
1.UART原理说明 发送数据时,CPU将并行数据写入UART,UART按照一定的格式在一根电线上串行发出:接收数据时,UART检测另一根电线上的信号,串行收集然后放在缓冲区中,CPU即可读取UART获得这些数据.UART之间以全双工方式传输数据,最精确的连线方法只有3根电线:TxD用于发送数据,RxD用于接收数据,Gnd用于给双发提供参考电平,连线如下: UART使用标准的TTL/CMOS逻辑电平(0~5v.0~3.3v.0~2.5v或0~1.8v)来表示数据,高电平表示1,低电平表示0.为了…
1.前言 上一节讲了Zigbee的睡眠定时器利用外部按键使系统从休眠态唤醒到工作态,其核心在于: 61 void SysPowerMode(uchar mode) 62 { 63 if(mode > 0 && mode < 4) 64 { 65 SLEEPCMD |= mode; //设置系统睡眠模式 66 PCON = 0x01; //进入睡眠模式 ,通过中断唤醒 67 } 68 else 69 PCON = 0x00; //主动/空闲模 通过中断唤醒系统 70 } 其中参数…
Detailed Description This module implements the Battery Service with the Battery Level characteristic. During initialization it adds the Battery Service and Battery Level characteristic to the BLE stack database. Optionally随意地 it can also add a Repor…
Processor operations mostly involve processing data. This data can be stored in memory and accessed from thereon. However, reading data from and storing data into memory slows down the processor, as it involves complicated processes of sending the da…