
"Traditional application resources consist of binary chunks of data, typically representing things such as icons, bitmaps, strings, and XML. In fact, the .NET framework providesgeneric support for these through the ResourceManager class.WPF is no dif…
WPF中的Binary Resource(二进制资源)是相对于前面所说的Logical resource(逻辑资源)而说的,一般指Image.XML文件等. 注意:这里说的是Resource"资源",和Content"内容"是不同的. 1.Content VS Resource 一般我们向工程中添加一个二进制的资源,如图片.我们设置它的属性,设置成资源和内容是不同的! 简单的说下两者的区别: “When the Build Action is set to Cont…
在WPF中,所有继承自FrameworkElement的元素都包含一个Resources属性,这个属性就是我们这篇要讲的资源. 这一篇讲解的资源是不是上一篇的程序集资源(那个是在编译过程中打包到程序集中),这个是资源是我们想在公共的地方写一个对象让其他元素重复使用. 先贴个例子: <Window x:Class="NETResource.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/pre…
"Consistency in a user interface is an important trait; there are many facets of consistency,   one of which is the consistent look and feel of controls. For example, all buttons should   look roughly the same – similar colors, the same margins, and…
1.XAML 接触WPF的第一眼就是XAML---XAML是用来描绘界面的.其实不然! "Actually, XAML has nothing to do with UI. It's merely a declarative way of constructing objects and setting their properties.” XAML和UI一点关系也没有,它仅仅是一种以声明方式来构建对象,设置对象属性的一种方式而已,和code behind file作用差不多.XAML这种声明方…
以下转载自: 推荐!国外程序员整理的Java资源大全中文版    https://github.com/akullpp/awesome-java英文版 Java 几乎是许多程序员们的入门语言,并且也是世界上非常流行的编程语言.国外程序员 Andreas Kull 在其 Github 上整理了非常优秀的 Java 开发资源,推荐给大家. 译文由 ImportNew- 唐尤华翻译完成. 以下为具体资源列表. 构建 这里搜集了用来构建应用程序的工具. Apache Maven:Maven 使用声明进行…
原文:WPF之神奇的资源 WPF中的资源有两种,一种称为"程序集资源"(assembly resource),另一种称为"对象资源"(object resource)也称为"逻辑资源",WPF中统称后者为"逻辑资源". 一.程序集资源应用程序中的XAML.图片.音频.视频等文件,都可以将其作为程序集资源组织起来.程序集资源可以以以下3种方式打包:1.资源文件(Resource File):直接嵌入到程序集中.2.内容文件(Co…
“Sometimes it's useful to use one of the selected colors or fonts the user has chosen in theWindows Control Panel Personalization applet (or the older Display Settings in Windows XP),such as Window caption, Desktop color, and Selection color. Further…
"Markup extensions are used to extend the capabilities of XAML, by providing declarativeoperations that need more than just setting some properties. These can be used to do prettymuch anything, so caution is advised – these extensions must preserve t…
"XAML provides an easy way to set values of properties—type converters and the extended property syntax allow for flexible setting of values. However, some things cannot be expressed as a simple value, such as setting a property to the value of some…