##================================## ## 修改表的存储引擎 ## SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'TB_001' \G; ALTER TABLE TB_001 TYPE = MYISAM; ##================================## ## 查看表中列属性 ## SHOW COLUMNS FROM TB_001; ##================================## ## 修改表名 ## ren…
It is great to be able to build small utilities on top of an excellent RDBMS. Thank you MySQL. This is a small but complex utility to perform online schema change for MySQL. We call it OSC and the source is here. Some ALTER TABLE statements take too…
Check OGG until no data queuing in replication process:testRO:a)login test5 –l oggmgrb)oggc)#ggsci> lag *check lag=0{note: when check lag result = 0, proceed next step] [GGSCI的lag命令可以查询复制延迟, 如: GGSCI> lag <replicat>](At EOF, no more reco…
ALTER COLUMN 语法: ALTER [COLUMN] col_name {SET DEFAULT literal | DROP DEFAULT} 作用: 设置或删除列的默认值.该操作会直接修改.frm文件而不涉及表数据.所以,这个操作非常快. 例子: mysql> alter table film alter column rental_duration set default 5; mysql> alter table film alter column rental_durati…
Alter Table/Partition/Column Alter Table Rename Table Alter Table Properties Alter Table Comment Add SerDe Properties Alter Table Storage Properties Additional Alter Table Statements Alter Partition Add Partitions Dynamic Partitions Rename Partition…