Contents Required packages Basic method Better Method Even-better method Yet Another Even-better method OK, we live in the wonderful world of Linux. BUT, for many of us, having to deal with Windows is a fact of life. For example, you may want to us…
How to mount remote Windows shares Contents Required packages Basic method Better Method Even-better method Yet Another Even-better method OK, we live in the wonderful world of Linux. BUT, for many of us, having to deal with Windows is a fact of life… by nixCraft on April 26, 2004 · 64 comments· LAST UPDATED August 3, 2007 in CentOS, File system, Howto All files accessible in a Linux (and UNIX) syst… 现实中会有这样的场景 , 开发人员在 Windows 上面写代码 , 然后放到 Linux 进行编译 , 达到这个目的我们可以在 Linux 上使用 mount 命令挂载 Windows 共享文件夹 , 就像将 Windows 里面的共享目录当成一个U盘插到 Linux主机上面 , 然后 Linux 可以直接访问代码进行编…
Introduction This tutorial contains screenshots for the English version of Windows 10. Separate instructions for older versions of Windows are also available: Windows 8. Windows 7. Windows Vista. Windows 2000/XP. To be able to mount a Windows share o…