自定义的classLoader启动spring容器,遇到 Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not subtype (classpath下有类)和Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found(classpath下没有类)两个异常信息. 这个问题比较诡异,缺少包和没有包都有问题,有包的情况下报 not subtype(这个应…
Stack Overflow 排错翻译 - Closing AlertDialog.Builder in Android -Android环境中关闭AlertDialog.Builder 转自:http://www.lanqibing.com/archives/783.html 原文: In the following code, I tried to dismiss the AlertDialog box but to no avail. However, if I remove compa…
今天一个待上线服务测试完毕,需要构建CI,按照模板配置好包还原,xbuild编译,报错,错误信息如下: EtcdRegister.cs(8,15): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `LawDissector' does not exist in the namespace `Gridsum'. Are you missing an assembly reference? EtcdRegister.cs(14,20): error CS0246:…