Stock Keeping Unit is a number assigned to a product by a retail store to identify the price, product options and manufacturer of the merchandise. A SKU is used to track inventory in your retail store. They are very valuable in helping you maintain…
Keeping Your App Responsive In this document What Triggers ANR? How to Avoid ANRs Reinforcing Responsiveness Figure 1. An ANR dialog displayed to the user. It's possible to write code that wins every performance test in the world, but still feels slu…
Consider a type that will print out a message when it’s finalized, and that has a Dispose method which will suppress finalization: class DisplayOnFinalize : IDisposable { public void Dispose() { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } ~DisplayOnFinalize…
有没有过这样的经验?你坐在你的车子里,目的地还在好几公里之遥,而时间已经很晚了.你拼命想告诉那些挡住你去路的人们,今天这个约会对你是多么多么重要,能不能请他们统统--呃--滚到马路外?很不幸,道路系统并没有纳入所谓的优先权观念.如果有某条专用道是给"非常重要"的通行所用的,你就可以摆脱那些如潮水般在你四周的车辆和行人,岂不甚妙? Win32 有所谓的优先权(priority)观念,用以决定下一个获得 CPU 时间的线程是谁.较高优先权的线程必然获得较多的 CPU 时间.关于优先权…