CVE-2019-0214: Apache Archiva arbitrary file write and delete on the server Severity: Medium Vendor:The Apache Software Foundation Versions Affected:    Apache Archiva 2.0.0 - 2.2.3    The unsupported versions 1.x are also affected. It is possible to…
catalog . Description . Effected Scope . Exploit Analysis . Principle Of Vulnerability . Patch Fix 1. Description Struts2框架存在一个DevMode模式,方便开发人员调试程序.如果启用该模式,攻击者可以构造特定代码导致OGNL表达式执行,以此对主机进行入侵Remote command execution and arbitrary file overwrite, Strict…
关于 Maven 私服 的搭建 这里 采用 Apache Archiva 的 Standanlone 模式来安装 1) 首先到archiva主页上下载最新版(Archiva 2.2.1 Standalone) 2)下载后解压,如(E:\Program Files\apache-archiva-2.2.1) 3)配置jdk,jdk 版本在1.7 以上 4)启动服务 使用“管理员身份运行cmd”  (开始菜单的附件中) C…
/********************************************************************************* * apache php upload file * 说明: * 之前使用busybox httpd + php,最后发现无法上传文件,改成了apache了,测试后发现和HTTP * Server没关系,是php的配置没配置好. * * 2018-2-7 深圳 宝安西乡 曾剑锋 ***************************…
1 . 私服简介 私服是架设在局域网的一种特殊的远程仓库,目的是代理远程仓库及部署第三方构件.有了私服之后,当 Maven 需要下载构件时,直接请求私服,私服上存在则下载到本地仓库:否则,私服请求外部的远程仓库,将构件下载到私服,再提供给本地仓库下载. 无私服的情况 有私服的情况 我们可以使用专门的 Maven 仓库管理软件来搭建私服,比如:Apache Archiva,Artifactory,Sonatype Nexus.之前我们接触比较多的是Sonatyp Nexus,今天主要介绍Apach…
CVE-2019-0213: Apache Archiva Stored XSS Severity: Low Vendor:The Apache Software Foundation Versions Affected:    Apache Archiva 2.0.0 - 2.2.3    The unsupported versions 1.x are also affected. It may be possible to store malicious XSS code into cen…
"This file could not be checked in because the original version of the file on the server was moved or deleted. A new version of this file has been saved to the server, but your check-in comments were not saved---To save comments with the new version…
Error parsing 'file:///media/RHEL_5.5\\ x86_64\\ DVD/Server'…
启动apache提示 : apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName (1)…
启动httpd服务,失败: [root@test vmdb]# service httpd restart Stopping httpd: [FAILED] Starting httpd: Syntax error on line of /etc/httpd/conf.d/cfme-https-application.conf: SSLCertificateFile: file '/var/www/miq/vmdb/certs/server.cer' does not exist or is e…