This is the evolving set of recommendations I share with my graduate students for technical writing... Empathy: This is the single most important principle of technical writing. Try reading what you write from the perspective of somebody who has not…
100 open source Big Data architecture papers for data professionals. 读完这100篇论文 就能成大数据高手 作者 白宁超 2016年4月16日13:38:49 摘要:本文基于PayPal高级工程总监Anil Madan写的大数据文章,其中涵盖100篇大数据的论文,涵盖大数据技术栈(数据存储层.键值存储.面向列的存储.流式.交互式.实时系统.工具.库等),全部读懂你将会是大数据的顶级高手.作者通过引用Anil Madan原文和CS…