在Python中,对这两个东西有明确的规定: 函数function —— A series of statements which returns some value to a caller. It can also be passed zero or more arguments which may be used in the execution of the body. 方法method —— A function which is defined inside a class body…
在Python中lambda函数是什么? It is a single expression anoymous function often used as inline function. lambda 匿名函数 表达式及定义 lambda [ arg1 [arg2, arg3, … argN] ] : expression 在lambda右侧的式子中,冒号左边的为参数值,右边的为计算表达式. 实例说明 1.单层参数求和 现在假设需要对两个数进行求和运算.对于正常的逻辑代码,不难写出如下代码:…