本文主要向大家介绍了SQLServer数据库之SQL Server 获取本周,本月,本年等时间内记录,通过具体的内容向大家展现,希望对大家学习SQLServer数据库有所帮助. datediff(week,zy_time,getdate())=0 //查询本周datediff(month,zy_time,getdate())=0 //查询本月本季:select * from table where datediff(qq,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0前半年1-6,后半年7-12…
datediff(week,zy_time,getdate())=0 //查询本周 datediff(month,zy_time,getdate())=0 //查询本月 本季:select * from table where datediff(qq,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0 前半年1-6,后半年7-12:select * from table where datepart(mm,C_CALLTIME)/7 = datepart(mm,getdate())/7 1. 当前系…
--国内从周一到周日 国外是周日到周六 select to_char(sysdate-1,'D') from dual;--取国内的星期几 去掉减一取国外的星期 --取本周时间内的数据 ,)+) and DTIME<=trunc(next_day(sysdate-,)+)+ ; ,)) and DTIME<=trunc(next_day(sysdate-,)+):--国外的 select * from table where DTIME >=TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'MM') an…
var SetSearchDate = function (sign, sid, eid) {//sign 标识符区分本周本月本年,sid开始时间id,eid结束时间id var now = new Date(); var nowDayOfWeek = now.getDay(); //今天本周的第几天 var nowMonth = now.getMonth() + 1; //当前月 var nowYear = now.getFullYear(); //当前年 if (sign == 1)//本周…
MS SQL SERVER 获取当前数据库文件等信息,适用于多个版本: SELECT dbf.file_id AS FileID , dbf.name AS [FileName] , s.filename AS FileLocation , CAST(dbf.size/128.0 AS DECIMAL(19,2)) AS FileSizeMB , CAST(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(dbf.name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int)/128.0 AS DECIMAL(…