Chapter 1:Introduction】的更多相关文章

PRML Chapter 1. Introduction 为了防止忘记,要把每章的重要内容都记下来,从第一章开始 2012@3@28 今天又回去稍微翻了一下第一章内容,发现第一次看的时候没有看透,每次翻都能翻出新的内容和感悟来.这主要得益于后面其他书里看到的一些内容后,再来看前面的某些话,就知道这些话不是白写的了,而是每一句都有一些深层的意义. 因此对于PRML这样的书,看一两遍是不够的,有空要多回翻 P 2 generalization的定义:The ability to categorize…
Chapter 1. Introduction 翻译太累了,我就这样的看英文吧. 内容列表 1.1. A Bit of History 1.2. The Java Virtual Machine 1.3. Organization of the Specification 1.4. Notation 1.5. Feedback 1.1. A Bit of History The Java® programming language is a general-purpose, concurrent…
///:~容我对这个系列美其名曰"读书笔记",其实shi在练习英文哈:-) Introduction to Objects Object-oriented programming(OOP) is part of this movement toward using the computer as an expressive medium. This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of OOP, including an…
  We would like to introduce Gradle to you, a build system that we think is a quantum leap for build technology in the Java (JVM) world. Gradle provides: //gradle构建是在java虚拟机中构建技术的巨大飞跃 A very flexible general purpose build tool like Ant.   //像ant一样可以灵…
与声明一个primitive variable不同,声明一个对象的时候,并不创建用来存储一个对象的内存空间,而是创建了一个存储该对象所在内存空间的地址. 在java里,new是一个操作符,它让系统分配一个特定类型的存储空间,并返回该内存空间的地址. String str: str = “Java Programing”; 和 String str = new String("Java Programing"); 是有区别的,前者是把已经存在的“Java Programming”的存储地…
翻译不周,多多包括 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------切割线-------------------------------------------------------------------- Logback是继承自流行的log4j项目. 作者经验丰富.作为积累了十年日志系统设计的经验的结晶.Logback既快又比现有的日志系统短小精悍. 更夸张的说,L…
原文: Inventors have long dreamed of creating machines that think. Ancient Greek myths tell of intelligent objects, such as animated statues of human beings and tables that arrive full of food and dri…
1.1. A (Very) Brief History of Concurrency motivating factors for multiple programs to execute simultaneously: Resource utilization. Programs sometimes have to wait for external operations such as input or output, and while waiting can do no useful w…
MongoDB is a powerful, flexible, and scalable data store. It combines the ability to scale out with many of the most useful features of relational databases, such as secondary indexes, range queries, and sorting. MongoDB is also incredibly featureful…
Only the smallest of projects has a single build file and source tree, unless it happens to be a massive, monolithic application. It’s often much easier to digest and understand a project that has been split into smaller, inter-dependent modules. The…