usaco training 4.2.3 Job Processing 题解】的更多相关文章

Job Processing题解 IOI'96 A factory is running a production line that requires two operations to be performed on each job: first operation "A" then operation "B". Only a certain number of machines are capable of performing each operation…
Fence Rails题解 Burch, Kolstad, and Schrijvers Farmer John is trying to erect a fence around part of his field. He has decided on the shape of the fence and has even already installed the posts, but he's having a problem with the rails. The local lumbe…
做了这么久的题目,突然发现最经典的 USACO Training 还没有做过?加速水一遍吧!我会把题解放在上面的.…
题目描述 你有一条由N个红色的,白色的,或蓝色的珠子组成的项链(3<=N<=350),珠子是随意安排的. 这里是 n=29 的二个例子: 第一和第二个珠子在图片中已经被作记号. 图片 A 中的项链可以用下面的字符串表示: brbrrrbbbrrrrrbrrbbrbbbbrrrrb 假如你要在一些点打破项链,展开成一条直线,然后从一端开始收集同颜色的珠子直到你遇到一个不同的颜色珠子,在另一端做同样的事(颜色可能与在这之前收集的不同). 确定应该在哪里打破项链来收集到最大数目的珠子. 例如,在图片…
P1201 [USACO1.1]贪婪的送礼者Greedy Gift Givers 题目描述 对于一群(NP个)要互送礼物的朋友,GY要确定每个人送出的钱比收到的多多少.在这一个问题中,每个人都准备了一些钱来送礼物,而这些钱将会被平均分给那些将收到他的礼物的人.然而,在任何一群朋友中,有些人将送出较多的礼物(可能是因为有较多的朋友),有些人有准备了较多的钱.给出一群朋友,没有人的名字会长于 14 字符,给出每个人将花在送礼上的钱,和将收到他的礼物的人的列表,请确定每个人收到的比送出的钱多的数目.…
题目描述 众所周知,在每一个彗星后都有一只UFO.这些UFO时常来收集地球上的忠诚支持者.不幸的是,他们的飞碟每次出行都只能带上一组支持者.因此,他们要用一种聪明的方案让这些小组提前知道谁会被彗星带走.他们为每个彗星起了一个名字,通过这些名字来决定这个小组是不是被带走的那个特定的小组(你认为是谁给这些彗星取的名字呢?).关于如何搭配的细节会在下面告诉你:你的任务是写一个程序,通过小组名和彗星名来决定这个小组是否能被那颗彗星后面的UFO带走. 小组名和彗星名都以下列方式转换成一个数字:最终的数字就…
题目描述 如果一个数从左往右读和从右往左读都是一样,那么这个数就叫做"回文数".例如,12321就是一个回文数,而77778就不是.当然,回文数的首和尾都应是非零的,因此0220就不是回文数. 事实上,有一些数(如21),在十进制时不是回文数,但在其它进制(如二进制时为10101)时就是回文数. 编一个程序,从文件读入两个十进制数N (1 <= N <= 15)S (0 < S < 10000)然后找出前N个满足大于S且在两种或两种以上进制(二进制至十进制)上是…
Electric Fence题解 Don Piele In this problem, `lattice points' in the plane are points with integer coordinates. In order to contain his cows, Farmer John constructs a triangular electric fence by stringing a "hot" wire from the origin (0,0) to a…
Cowcycles题解 Originally by Don Gillies [International readers should note that some words are puns on cows.] Having made a fortune on Playbov magazine, Hugh Heifer has moved from his original field in the country to a fashionable yard in the suburbs.…
The Perfect Stall题解 Hal Burch Farmer John completed his new barn just last week, complete with all the latest milking technology. Unfortunately, due to engineering problems, all the stalls in the new barn are different. For the first week, Farmer Joh…