1 字符串格式化输出和输入 1.1 字符串在计算机内部的存储方式 字符串是内存中一段连续的char空间,以’\0’结尾 “”是C语言表达字符串的方式 1.2 printf函数,putchar函数 printf格式字符 字符 对应数据类型 含义 d int 接受整数值并将它表示为有符号的十进制整数 hd Short int 短整数 hu Unsigned short int 无符号短整数 o unsigned int 无符号8进制整数 u unsigned…
1055 The World's Richest (25 分) Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world's wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the people in a certain r…
The linker automatically chooses an appropriate formatter for printf- and scanf-related function based on information from the compiler. If that information is missing or insufficient, for example if printf is used through a function pointer, if the …