在研究IOS的网络请求过程中,因为NSURLConnection已经过时,需要引用到URLSession var url:NSURL=NSURL(string: "http://3g.163.com")! var request:NSURLRequest=NSURLRequest(url: url as URL) //创建会话对象 let session=URLSession.shared let date = Date() print("创建任务, 时间:\(date.ti…
在创建数据集的时候,提示The XY domain on the spatial reference is not set or invalid错误. 原因:未设置空间参考(ISpatialReference:pSpatialReference)的域范围(Domain). 解决办法: (1) 通过以下代码进行设置Domain即可: pSpatialReference.SetDomain(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); 或者 ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ISpati…
在创建数据集的时候,提示The XY domain on the spatial reference is not set or invalid错误. 原因:未设置空间参考(ISpatialReference)的域范围(Domain). 解决方法:通过以下代码进行设置Domain即可:pSpatialReference.SetDomain(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); 代码示例: ISpatialReferenceFactory pSpatialReferenceEnviro…
今天在一个android项目中的string.xml中写这样一个字符串时出现了下面这个错误提示: The reference to entity "说明" must end with the ';' delimiter. 错误的字符串如下图所示: 错误原因:在这个字符串中输入了一个特殊的符号“&” 解决办法:如果确实需要一个分隔符的话可以用分号“:”来代替“&”…
undefined reference是经常遇到的链接错误,一般是函数未定义或未正确链接引起的问题: but 有一种case,比较坑... c++ 调用 c 的函数,当c函数未加:extern “C” {} 进行包裹时,会出现函数未定义的问题: 根本原因是c++有重载的特性,函数/类型等符号并不是代码中看到的样子,而是前后会加上乱码,用于区分同名函数:…
Answers with Explanations 1. c) s1 and s2 not equal s1 and s3 equal JVM sets a constant pool in which it stores all the string constants used in the type. If two references are declared with a constant, then both refer to the same constant object. Th…
The Windows Firewall on this machine is currently 1.This row already belongs to another table. DataTable tdLangauge = ShowLangauege.Clone(); foreach (DataRow row in drlanauage) { tdLangauge.Rows.Add(ro…
Architectural Overview A modern optimizing compiler can be logically divided into four parts: The compiler front end The front end includes the scanner and parser which read the Java source and build an abstract syntax tree (AST) representation o…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…